Chapter 21

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How did I forget the fact that I'm going to leave before Jamie's birthday? I am so mad at myself, how the hell am I supposed to change all this? I need to celebrate his birthday, with him and not just on skype. I'll have to try whatever it takes.

"Babe, let's go, Ryan's waiting at the carpark" Anna's voice brought me back to reality. "Oh okay." We went out of the restaurant and I wasn't feeling that well right now, considering the fact that I'll be thousand miles away from jamie. Worse come to worst, on his birthday. We got into the car and Ryan drove us back home. What was running through my mind during the ride was, ideas of staying, i really need to stay till his birthday. We finally arrived at 6pm and it's already dark plus quiet in the neighbourhood. I took out the shopping bags from the trunk and went inside. "Tia, you're not looking good" Ryan pulled my arm. I turned around to look at him, maybe he can see my expression isn't very bright and happy anymore. "Can we have a talk outside?" I asked as I settled in the shopping bags onto the table. I looked around first, I can hear sounds of TV from the living room, Anna went upstairs and I guess Jamie , Mom and Dad would be in the living room. "Okay , let's go" He dragged me outside. We sat on the bench at Mom's garden. "So, tell me. What's bugging you?" He placed his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer. I'm starting to cry though eventhough I held them in. "I've just realised that I'm not going to be here during Jamie's birthday, I feel so bad, for not celebrating his bornday without me. And saddest thing is I'm leaving after the christmas dinner, Ryan, I don't know what to do. I had a lot of plans on my mind but I don't think it'll work. What should i do Ryan?" I started sobbing, but not so loud. I don't want to cause attention. Ryan rubbed my back and pulled me into a hug. "Shh Don't cry, I'll figure something out. I know how much he loves you and I'll do anything for you guys" He stroked me hair and wiped my tears away. I feel alot better now, after getting the warmest hug ever. "Thank you Ryan. You helped a lot, How do I ever pay you back?" I finally smiled. "Just make me peanut butter jelly toasts and consider you've paid me" He winked. "I love you big brother" I hugged him and he hugged back, tighter this time. "Me too baby sister"

I got inside and walked to the living room. I was right, Jamie, Mom and Dad were watching the TV. I think Anna has already gone to sleep after the bath. I jumped onto the couch, laying on Jamie's lap. He smiled, while stroking my hair. He leaned in for a kiss, a sweet and short one since we're in the living room with Mom and Dad, and Ryan. I kissed him and giggled. "let's go upstairs" He whispered into my ear. I winked and we got off the couch. We greeted good night to Mom , Dad and Ryan, and made our way to Jamie's room, hand in hand.

The first thing I did was laying on his bed, too tired. Jamie noticed my tiredness and pulled me into a safe hug. I placed my head on his right arm as my pillow and his other arm curling around my waist. "Jamie, can I ask you something?" I started. He hummed a yes. "What do you love about me?" I looked up, trying to see Jamie's expression. He smiled and brushed his fingers on my cheek. "Baby, I like everything about you, eventhough sometimes you're clumsy, you yap a lot, you always gave me heart attack over silly stuff, but what I love the most about you is your smile, your laugh and the love you  gave me." He leaned in, gave me the sweetest kiss ever. I can feel him smiling during the kiss and my stomach couldn't stop flipping. "Thank you" I kissed his cheeks. "You do know that I won't be getting to celebrate your birthday here right?" It took me a lot of thinking and courage to finally ask him that question. "Yeah" He doesn't sound really happy. "I'm sorry" I said as I can feel his body stiffen. "Let's stop talking about this." He tossed to the other side, breaking the hug. "I'm really sorry" I wrapped my arms around his waist eventhough he's not facing me now, but the wall. I hope this fight wouldn't last long. at least not until my last day here.

I stirred slowly, awake, despite wanting to sleep a little longer but the sun rays are blinding my eyes. I don't usually wakes up this late, I turned to my left and Jamie's not there. 

The Distance - Jamie Follesé ( Hot Chelle Rae ) ON HOLD TILL DECEMBERWhere stories live. Discover now