Chapter 26

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Two months have gone by, that's exactly the time me and Jamie didn't talk. My life couldn't be better, I keep daydreaming, not focusing on school, seems distracted by everything. I don't know what is happening to me. My life is so incomplete. Without him, I hate to say this; But I can't get over him, no matter how hard I tried. 

I missed his smile, his kiss, his laugh, the faces he's always make just to make me feel better, his hugs, his embrace, his everything. I just wish I could turn back the times when we're still in each other's arms, looking into each other's eyes. I miss him so much. But I don't think he feels the same now. He hates me. I've lost my first love, my first kiss, my priority. 

Fact for now, he doesn't even want to see my face anymore. Maybe because I've hurt him too much. It proves that fact when one day me and Anna were skyping.


"Hey omg omg omg I miss you so much." Anna waved at me through skype. I smiled , and waved back. "Hey Anna Banana" She laughed. "How's home? Okay? Settled in yet?" Anna asked. "Yeah everything's fine. It's just that I feel weird. " I sighed, burying my face into my pillow. "You'll have to change that. I had to admit, it's not the same here too. Everything is different without you" She looked down, I hope she's not crying. I observed her background, she's in the kitchen, I looked at the stove, the counter top I used to sit on while Jamie kissed me. We were quiet for a minute, but then we were interrupted by a shadow of a person I've been missing. "Anna where's my apple?" Jamie asked, didn't realize I'm actually watching him rummaging through the fridge. Anna turned to him and points at the basket of fruits. He still thinks that his apples are all in the fridge. He told me he likes the cool bite of an apple instead of it to be warm, so I put all his apples inside the fridge. Now, nobody will do that for him. Suddenly, he saw me on the screen of Anna's laptop. He looked shocked, but didn't say anything; he walked away with a glare.

It felt like a huge rock has fall onto my head and breaks my heart into pieces. I thought we were still going to be friends. Anna looked at me ; weird. "Are you guys okay? Why isn't he saying Hi to you?" Anna asked, with her curiousity mode on. "Nah, he's just playing. Don'y worry about us, we're all fine" I paste a convincing smile on my face, hoping Anna would just stop asking about us. "Okay, so tell me everything about your town" and we started talking for hours. 

-End of flashback-

It was heartbreaking to actually get that from Jamie, It hurts , it's like hundreds of knives just stabbed me. How do I recover from all this pain? Suddenly, I felt like I'm the person I've been before coming to Nashville. I'm just a normal fan, a fan who have been wanting tweets and attentions from the boys. As if I don't exist to their eyes. It's like a venom , which kills me cells by cells. Tears are my best friend these few weeks. Right after Jamie's birthday. 

-Birthday Flashback-

I had wished Jamie Happy Birthday on twitter in DM. I even apologized for everything. but he didn't reply me. I still have hat tiny bit of hopes he would reply, but received nothing. Maybe he hates me that much. I called Mom and Dad, asking them to pass my birthday message to Jamie since he wouldn't pick up my calls. I had see that comng though, it wasn't very suprising. Mom said they're throwing a party for him. 

If only I was there, to actually make him feel special. The boys did a livestream during his birthday, and shockingly, Jamie had this one girl around his arms. I don't think I need to explain more in details. It'll just make me feel like a shit. They even got pictures of them kissing, smudging the icing on each other's face. At least, Jamie smiled. Maybe she's a better girl than I am. Fans were tweeting me asking if we're still dating, some response were like 'You guys looked cute together, who is the girl at Jamie's party?' and some were like 'Yes, Jamie has dumped Tia.'

-End of flashback-

I deserve all this. I know. It's all my fault. I've been so selfish. 

-A month later-

Hot Chelle Rae releases a new single called the distance. I heard that it was written by Jamie. I know it's about us. I can feel him through the song. The lyrics, the melody, it's about us. I can finally feel his love again.

"The Distance"

I hear you crying and I know

What it's like to be alone

You're scared and I'm not there

It's like you're living with a ghost

Someone you can't hold

And you say it's so unfair


And just so you know

The distance is what's killing me

Time and space have become the enemy

And what I need is so far away

And so it goes

The distance makes it hard to breathe

My heart won't let go easily

I don't want to be this far away

I'm lying by myself

The silence seems to swell

Someday this all will change

It's a temporary pain

See your face and speak your name

Till then I'll scream into the night


Well I've got my life

And you've got my world tonight

And I miss you (I miss you), I miss you (I miss you)

And just so you know (killing me)

The distance is what's killing me (time and space)

Time and space have become the enemy (enemy)

And what I need is so far away

And so it goes (hard to breathe)

The distance makes it hard to breathe (won't let go)

My heart won't let go easily (easily)

I don't want to be this far away


Guys ! How was it?! Great? Not so okay? Boring? I can handle criticism, just tell me what you think! Please pwetty please? Votes? Comments? ALL ARE WELCOMED WITH OPEN ARMS <3 

-Tina <3

The Distance - Jamie Follesé ( Hot Chelle Rae ) ON HOLD TILL DECEMBERWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt