Chapter 34

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I ended up waking Nash up and, we talked a lot. We went to bed at 3 am, in different rooms though. What was I expecting? Nash overstreet to like me? Who am I anyway? Just a plain boring normal girl from land of nowhere, and not popular. 

That morning, I woke up early, somwhere around 7 i think. My parents asked me to come home early, before 11am. Everyone was still asleep and I felt a little dissaponted since I couldn't say goodbye to them boys, especially Nash. 

I walked out of the room and went to the kitchen. I was a little clumsy something barreled into me and I went down, my foot catching in a depression. Pain started in my ankle and up my leg. I winced, rolling over, trying to bite my lip so I didn't scream and cry like a little baby. Something fell onto my foot ; I'm not  sure what it is, but it's heavy and big. The first five seconds were the most brutal, the more the pain in  my ankle subsided until it was a dull, throbbing ache. I sat up, hoping it would go away.

"Melissa!" Nash shouted. Feet pounded on the ground as he ran over to me. "I'm okay" I managed to squeak out. At least I was hoping I was okay. "Can you get up?" Nash asked. I nodded, tears stinging my eyes. He wrapped his arms around my waist and hoisted me up. "I'll take you to the hospital" nash said, "Where are the keys?" he asked again. "No" I shook my head. "I'm fine. Look , I can move it" I wiggled my foot. "It's not borken or anything. probably just some ice would make it feel better" I answered. "Besides, I need to get home now" Nash pursed his lips and seemed to think this over, then "All right, I'll drive you home" 

I handed the car keys over to him. He wove an arm around my waist and lean me into him,  He smelled like cool winter air and sort of musky sweet cologne. He led me to Tia's BMW. He held the passenger door for me and helped me settle into the seat. He went around to the driver's seat and started the car up. "I'm going to hang out for a while to make sure you're okay. Looks like you're stuck wth me for the next couple of hours." he said; grinning. I smiled, being stuck with him didn't sound all that bad.

-At home-

"Better?" Nash said. I leaned back into the pillow he'd just fluffed for me. "That's fine" I felt fine unless I moved my ankle. It'd probably be sore by a few days, but thank God it wasn't broken. Nash searched around my living room for all the remotes. He grabbed the surround sound, the TV, the digital cable and the stereo remostes and put them all on the coffee table within arm's reach. 

"Anything to drink? or eat?" he asked. "water?" I said, feeling a little guilty he was waiting on me. "Water. Got it" He was one for a good 10 minutes. When he came back, he had a bowl of fruit and a glass of ice-filled water, the cubes clinking against the cup's edge. "Fruit is good for you. Especially when you're in need of healing." I laughed. " Can't I just take a vitamin?" I asked, amused. "Not the same thing. Vitamins don't have the natural antioxidants that fresh fruit does" Wow, did that really came from Nash? Amazing. Didn't know he's .. smart. "Oh" I sipped from the water as I eyed the grapes. I wasn't much for fruit , but if Nash said it was good for me, probably it was. I popped a grape in my mouth. They were fresh, crisp. "Thanks" I blurted after a long silence. "No problem. So when are your parents coming home?" He asked. "They said they'd be back by ten." My parents had left to visit my grandparents in Hartford. "I'll stay until they get back" Nash assured. "No you don't have to do that" I said, feeling bad he's waiting for me. I still can't believe it's Nash Overstreet talking to me right now. "It's not like I have anwhere else to be" He settled into the chair that was angled off the end of the couch. "And what if you run out of fruit or something? Are you going to make more appear with your brain waves?" I laughed, feeling the giggles of exhaustion creeping in. I just needed to sleep. "Well, thanks for staying"  I smiled. "You're welcome. He winked. Propping myself up with an elbow, I took a long drink of water, my throat was dry. As I pulled the glass away, I spilled,  water dribbling down. "Crap" What is wrong with me? Oh my god. "I got it" Nash jumped up and ran to the kitchen. He came back with a several hand towels. He crouched by the side of the cuch and wiped the water up.

"Thanks" I lay my head back down, and I realized that I was now only a few inches away from Nash's face. "Melissa?" He said, his voice going soft, his fruity breath fanning across my face. His unruly brown hair had been matted down since earier that morning and several strands hung in his line of sight. "Yeah?" I asked. MMy heart might pop out any second. "Can I kiss you?" It's like my heart skipped a beat. I'm speechless. Now I am too hot. And parched again. "Are you serious?" I asked, making sure he's not making fun of my face right now. He looked very serious though. "Yes." He nodded. "I .. uh .." Words were suddenly failing me. His breath smelled like grapes, but what if mine smelled like feet? I'd always imagined my first kiss with a boy would be somewhat planned out so I'd have time to brush my teeth or pop in a mint. And what if I did it wrong? The kissing. How am I supposed to know these things? "I'll count to five" he said, bringing me back to reality. He's sitting on his knees. "So it's not so awkward" Was this protocol? To talk about a kiss before it happened. I had no idea because I had never been kissed. True story. Pathetic. I know. "One..." I got that weak feeling in my stomach. "Two..." and the he kissed me. A breath sputtered down my throat from the suprise. He guide me gently as if sensing my unease. My mind went blank and I threaded my finger through his hair, pulling him closer. 

I'm kissing a boy, and it's Nash Overstreet. My first kiss.


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The Distance - Jamie Follesé ( Hot Chelle Rae ) ON HOLD TILL DECEMBEROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora