H.E.A pt 2

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~V-Island: Three Years Later~

"I was on top of the world..." The former villain spoke. His deep baritone voice was paired with intense black eyes and a thick muscular body, which made him intimidating even to the others who gathered around to hear his story. "I had taken down a top hero, he was crushed under my boot, and I could feel the world begin to bow at my feet as I flexed my power..." '


He inhaled deeply, as if re-savoring that moment.

"...but then it happened. I was struck from behind... a flea bite... but when I turned around to see who dare disrupt my moment of triumph... I lost all consciousness. When I woke up, I was quirkless. I was stripped of my power, stripped of my person, and purpose... and then shipped off to this god forsaken place." He growled and looked down at his hands with anger and frustration. "How can you stand feeling powerless like this?"

"By reminding myself that I'm not." Izumi told him, sitting upright and tall in her seat, hands folded over her notebook that sat in her lap. She surveyed the fresh crop of villains that had joined her therapy group. "If any of you feel powerless it's because you're afraid of change. All of us grew up in a society where having a quirk is the norm. Not possessing the same thing as the majority makes you feel isolated, alone, and thus you feel a sense of powerlessness. I'm telling you, and everyone else here that none of you have to feel that way. Quirkless IS the norm here, and you're not alone."

"Easy for you to say..." the villain sneered at her. "You gave up your quirk willingly. Mine was TAKEN from me."

"I may have chosen to be quirkless, but I can still relate to how you're feeling." she adjusted herself by crossing her legs and lifting up her notebook to write down a few things before making eye contact with him. "Unlike most I wasn't born with a quirk, mine was given to me by All for One. Before I met him I wanted a quirk so badly that I was willing to do anything for it. I told everyone including myself that it was because I wanted to be a hero, and help others. This was partially true, but the real reason I wanted a quirk was so that I wouldn't feel helpless anymore. I didn't want to be a victim in a world of heroes. I didn't want to be isolated and different than the others around me. I just wanted to blend in, be a part of the norm, have friends who believed in me and what I could do."

She paused, offering a warm and understanding smile to the intently listening group.

"So, trust me... I know what it's like Jasper. Please believe me when I say that you don't have to feel that way here." She lay a hand on her heart and closed her eyes. "We will help you find your true strength, but first you just have to let us in."

Jasper's intense eyes lowered and his ham sized fists clenched together. He seemed to be in deep contemplation with himself, but Izumi gave him the time he needed to come up with his own answer.

"Okay." He inhaled deep and pressed his hands to his forehead. "Thanks."

"Mmmm you're welcome." The timer on the stand next to her went off and Izumi glanced up at the big clock. "Well that's our time for this week everyone. For those of you who didn't get the chance to speak, and feel they need to get something off their chest please join in next week or meet with my secretary to schedule an earlier appointment." She closed her notebook and stood up as everyone gathered their belongings and started to gather to her to say their goodbyes.

Izumi shook their hands one by one until the very last patient walked out of the meeting room. Once gone she set her notebook down next to her timer and proceeded to put the chairs and such to rights.

She heard the sharp click-clack of heels and turned to smile at her surprisingly reliable secretary.

"Izumi, dear, you're wanted up at the main building with Katsuki and Shoto. Apparently there's gonna be another new arrival appearing tonight and they want you there to help lay down the law." Magne told her, tapping a stylus on her ipad. The woman looked positively radiant, post surgery, and was more confident in her skin now that she'd regained her identity. She still had height and bulk, but it was radiantly distributed much like an amazon queen. With some help from a stylist her hair had been vamped up and was now more lucious and bouncy, and gave her that added umph of femininity.

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