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Author's Note: Special thanks to Yanduri

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Author's Note: Special thanks to Yanduri.Chan for all her fan art and inspiring a part of this chapter!

~League of Villains Hideout~

"Have you settled in alright, Rob?" Touya sat down on the rolling chair in Robert's new office space. Tomura had made him the official healer of the group. Once she'd gotten control of her quirk he would be putting Eri in his charge. The girl tried hard to be a fighter, but it was clear her powers and demeanor were better suited to healing rather than causing damage.

"As well as I can..." Rob paused when loud barking and the sound of child laughter broke out. His lips spread in a smile. "Sounds like your kids are having fun reuniting with their old friend."

"When everything got chaotic I completely forgot about Natsu." Touya sighed, referring to the ball of fur now causing a racket outside. "Eri and Kota love that dog, but I was too wrapped up in what was happening around me to give him a second thought. I appreciate you taking care of him all this time."

"It was my pleasure. Izumi trained him well. Which reminds me..." Robert walked back to the closet and pulled out a box. "Here's some things from your guys' house. Majority of your belongings got taken into police custody, but my mother and I managed to snag a few things we thought would have sentimental value to you."

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