Undercover Mom

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"Seriously who does Karma think she's fooling?" Twice questioned as the main members of the league gathered in the living room. "She's completely unrecognizable."

"You're all positive that it's really her? It could be that Kota was telling the truth and she's just a fan of Karma." Ace suggested.

"I can taste her blood and we'll know for sure." Toga offered holding up her knife looking positively giddy at the very thought of tasting Karma's blood again.

"Down, crazy. It's not likely she's someone else." Dabi shook his head. "There are too many similarities, and the fact that she chose the name Phoenix for her gang just solidifies it. Her Phoenix persona was never divulged openly to the public so it's unlikely that they'd use it to honor her."

"So then, why the disguise? She's smart enough to know that we'd know that it's her." Twice scratched his temple.

"I can think of three scenarios as to why she's decided to join us under a guise." Compress deduced rolling a marble through his fingers. "One, she's being cautious as to reveal her true identity to the new recruits and any other outside help." He doubled the marble in a slide of hand illusion. "Two, she's lost her memory, which is unlikely but still plausible." He added a third marble. "Three, she's telling us that she wants to keep a low profile, and remain as little involved as possible."

"The third option makes the most sense." Shigaraki decided. " Karma is still trapped in a teenage body. Even if she's regained all her memories and abilities, her body still isn't accustomed to handling the amount of power she's attained. My guess is she's asking for time, and opportunities to help her gain experience and control."

"So we should just play along until she's ready to make proper introductions?" Dabi asked with some temper.

"Yes, but we best keep an eye on her and the new recruits she's gathered. We'll need a detailed list of their quirks and see if they mesh with the plan."

"You're certain you wanna go through with this?" Dabi questioned. "Doesn't really seem like something you'd be comfortable doing let alone suggesting."

"Many of my priorities have shifted over the last couple years. Lets just say I've found motivation and a vision for this new world Karma wanted to build. I think this plan will serve as the first step in global reformation."

"It's a solid plan, and one that requires minimal bloodshed. Karma will be pleased.. Dr. Bennett nodded his approval.

"I'll ask her opinion next chance I get. In the meantime, she and her new crew will need some warm up missions in order to get a feel for how we run things. Ace, go get me a list of the heroes we need intel on. I'll have them do some reconnaissance."

"As you wish, sire." He bowed and left for his office to print out the necessary documents.

"Dabi, you and Doctor Bennett will continue to work with our own Doctor on perfecting the aging process for Karma. once she's broken in I'm sure she'll be anxious to return to normal."

"Alright, so who's on babysitting detail?"

"Magne and Spinner just came back from a mission, I'm sure they'll enjoy some r&r here with the Prince." Shigaraki smirked.

"It will be my honor, Sire." Spinner bowed low.

"I mean if you insist, sure, but shouldn't you leave someone a little less flammable in charge of the walking fire hazard?" Magne scowled.

" else is occupied."Shigaraki pat her shoulder. "Relax, Magne. You'll be fine so long as you don't piss him off."

~Some Time Later~

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