Fight Club

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~Some months prior~

“Hmmm? Fight Club?” Karma questioned as she moved her piece on the Shogi board. “So Rappa is a former MMA fighter?” 

“That’s right,” Kai Chisaki, aka Overhaul, confirmed. He tapped his fingers on his knee, gold eyes shifting across the board before deciding his next move. “I knew in order to make my goals a reality I needed some powerful allies… or game pieces as you will.” He flipped his piece over, promoting it. “You of all people should know that there’s only so much you can accomplish on your own.” 

“True enough… so?” She motioned him to continue the story. 

“I used some of my connections to figure out where the black market was located. There I asked around, and put out some feelers. I picked up the occasional simpleton just to add to my numbers, but I wanted some really powerful pieces. It was there I discovered the underground Fight Club.” 

“So what’s the difference between the normal MMA to the underground?” She asked curiously. 

“For starters, you’re not penalized if you kill your opponent. You win by any means necessary. Oh your opponents are free to forfeit and plead for their lives, but if you decide they’re too dangerous, or maybe you just don’t like their face, you’re free to dispose of them.” He clicked a tongue as Karma took one of his pieces. “Secondly the money you’re paid is more than worth risking your life, providing you have a sponsor in the club who gets their own portion.”

“I take it that’s why you’re not involved in Fight Club?” 

“I had plenty of people asking to be my sponsor… but you know how much I hate getting my hands dirty.” His sharp eyes lifted to hers. The tone of his voice shifting to something dark and ominous. “...and this place is truly filthy.” 

~End of Flashback~

Midori snapped out of her daze as a body crash landed against the gate near her face. Her heart jolted into her throat and she swallowed hard as shouts and cheers echoed around her. Behind her, Yuichi and Max whom had insisted on coming with her, went green. 

“I think I’m gonna be sick.” Max felt his stomach roll. “I’ve never seen someone’s leg bend that way… it’ll be a miracle if he can walk again.” 

“Midori I really think this is a bad idea.” Yuichi grabbed her shoulder. “This place is dangerous, you’re gonna get yourself killed.” 

“If you can’t handle it then go home…” Midori spoke with some bite, fighting back her own fear. “No one asked you to come.” 

“Come on, Midori, don’t be like that.” Max took her other shoulder. “We’re just trying to-” 

“I know what you’re trying to do,” she turned around, facing them both with a steely look in her eyes. “...and I’m  telling you right now I need this. Not only will it give us the money we need to get the hell out of dodge, but it’s gonna give me the training I need to get my quirks back in check without arousing suspicion from the heroes.” 

“Oi Phoenix!” The guardsman at the gate opened the cage, the medics hefting out the limp and groaning carcass of the previous loser. “You’re up next.” 

“Here goes nothing…” Unzipping her sweatshirt she shoved it at Max. “Make sure this doesn’t get dirty.”

“Uh, right…” he helplessly stared as Midori walked to the cage. They’d found some uniforms and support items back at the base that would give her some edge, but both Max and Yuichi wondered if it would be enough to protect her. The black spandex-like material was fireproof, and fit tight like a glove on her, despite being too long in the leggings. She’d cut the edges off, and shoved on some boots made from the same material that were a little big, but the calf zipper held her feet firmly enough to compensate. 

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