The Outcast Prodigy

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It was graduation day and All Might bounced Midori on his knee while proudly watching each and every member of Class 3A come up to receive their diplomas. Mirio sat beside him in full hero gear, arms crossed and chin lifted proudly.

"Hard to believe I was in their shoes not that long ago." Mirio beamed. "I've worked so much over the past couple years that it feels like a decade."

"You've done well for yourself Mirio, and you're already in the top twenty in the hero ranks." All Might pat his shoulder. "I couldn't have asked for a better successor."

"Thanks, that means a lot to me coming from you. Sir thinks I should go to America for a time, and I think I will."

"Call Melissa, she's settled down there now I'm sure she can find you an agency to work with for a time."

"I'll do that. I've been worried about her ever since we found out her father disappeared. I'm certain the league's behind it, but we haven't been able to find any clues."

"Dave..." All Might sighed and looked down at Midori who watched the stage with wide beaming eyes. "His involvement with Karma must have gotten him kidnapped, or worse. I'd hate to think what they've done to him."

"Then let's not." Mirio touched his shoulder. "Leave finding David Shield to me, All Might. I'll volunteer for the case when I go to America, and I won't stop until I find his whereabouts. I want to give both you and Melissa some peace of mind."

"I very much appreciate that, Togata." He returned his attention to the stage, watching Shoto collect his diploma and bow. "I hear young Bakugo and Todoroki have decided to remain interns under Nighteye."

"Yes, Ground Zero and Endurance are already making names for themselves. It won't be long before either of them go solo." Mirio boasted. "I've got some major competition coming my way. I better not mess up."

~After Graduation: Dorms~

"Well guys this is it..." Uraraka sighed as she looked up at the building with misty eyes. "We're all going our separate ways from here."

"We've been together for three years," Yaoyorozu brushed away tears of her own. "It feels so much longer."

"Hey!" Tohru picked up a camera. "Let's take a group photo in front of the dorm as a keepsake."

"Good idea! Get it set up, I'll go grab Bakugo and Todoroki." Uraraka ran back inside just as the elevator door opened and the devils themselves stepped out with duffel bags across their shoulders. "Hey there you two are! Come on we're gonna take a group photo and we need everyone from the class together."

"Seriously, pink cheeks?" Bakugo groaned. "The old hag has been taking photos of me all day, I'm sick of it."

"Oh, come on, don't be like that Bakugo!" She grabbed his arm holding on even as he squirmed. "Everyone needs to be in it, it's a memento." Suddenly she got a glint in her eyes and pulled out her ace in the hold. "I thought Midori might like to have one."

"Hah?" He stopped struggling. "Why would the brat want one? She's barely two, she won't remember any of this."

"That's exactly my point. We'll remember her, but after today there will be a whole new generation of students at this school. I want her to remember us even if it's through a photograph. I want her to look at it and know, even if she doesn't remember all the details, that she was friends with us."

Bakugo's face softened and he gave a heavy sigh while rubbing the back of his neck.

"You're such a sap, pink cheeks. Fine, let's get this over with. Icy Hot and I have got a train to catch."

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