The Prodigy and the Protege

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Touya lay on the couch, exhausted after his latest mission. Kota and Eri were out with Compress and Twice training. Magne, Spinner, and their flunkies of the week were handling covert missions across town. Shigaraki was keeping his distance by supervising the latest developments with the good Doctor and Professor Shield. 

...which left him alone with his four year old son, and a knife crazy bitch. 

“Toga if you cut my son, I will cut you.” He slowly turned his head, eyeing Toga who held a pair of scissors in her hand. Finnick held a pair of childproof scissors and was meticulously cutting paper in odd shapes. Touya wondered if it would have been smarter to give Toga the childproof ones instead of his son. “Stab the paper, not the kid, got it?” 

“You’re no fun, Dabi.” Toga stuck her tongue out at him, but went back to cutting the paper. She hummed happily making little people out of white, then snagged some red cutting circles and glued them to her figures to make it look like they were bleeding. “Pretty.”

“Papa! Papa look!” Finnick stood up and held out his finished product. “I made a crown!” He placed it on his head. “Now I’m a King too, just like Uncle Tomura!” 

Touya glanced back over at his son, smiling warmly at him.

“Your crown is crooked, your highness.” He sat upright and reached out to adjust the fit so it sat properly. “There you go. All Hail, King Finnick.” He mock bowed, but the child ate it up like candy. 

“Ha! Ha! Ha! Bow before me peasants!” The red-haired spitfire ran around the table, then paused and grabbed the other, smaller, crown he’d made and went behind Toga. “All Kings need a Queen! All Hail Queen Toga!” 

“Eh?” Toga blinked when she felt the cardboard on her head. She looked sideways at a glass case and saw her reflection. Her eyes sparkled some at the gesture and she twisted her body to cuddle the boy to her. “Awww you’re so cute, Finny! I could just-” 

“Down, Toga!” Touya warned, but his eyes were full of affection as he watched Finnick cuddle into the embrace. The kid showed no fear, and had no hesitation in his acts of kindness. He was becoming more and more like Izumi every day.     

The thought of his wife made his heart twinge and he rubbed it. Aching he closed his eyes and pictured her there with them. He wanted it all to be true so badly that it made him ill. When would there be justice for her? When would he finally be able to stop this useless mourning? 

“Papa… Papa…. PAPA!” Finnick shouted at him snapping him away from his internal grief. The kid shoved the phone at him. “You’re getting a phone call.” 

“Oh, sorry, guess I dozed off.” He took the phone and scowled at the read out. “An overseas call? Maybe Gentle and La Brava have finally made progress in Europe.” He answered. “Hello?” 

“Is this Touya Todoroki?” The male voice on the other end spoke. The use of his name made Touya’s muscles tighten and he sat up straight again. 

“Who is this?” 

“My name is Robert Bennett… I’m looking for Touya Todoroki. It’s urgent.” 

The name rang bells and Touya’s brows suddenly raised. 

“Doctor Bennett? How the hell did you get this number?” 

“I thought that was you, Touya. I tell yah it wasn’t easy tracking you down. I had to deal with some shady ass characters and they’re not the most friendly people in the world to deal with.” Robert sighed. “Listen, I’ve got some information I need to share with you. If I send you my coordinates can you pick me up?” 

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