The Queen Returns

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~U.A. Meeting Room~

"So..." Bakugo slapped his palm on the table. His expression, dark at first, suddenly turned to one of smug confidence. "Do you think she noticed?"

"The signal is still active, so I'm gonna go with complete oblivion." Denki said with a wide grin and gave a thumbs up to Aizawa. "Nice job, teach."

"Don't assume anything, Chargebolt." Aizawa scowled, his eyes watching the monitor Yaoyorozu created with her quirk. The tracking beacon he'd placed on Slim during his attack was still actively traveling. "Just because I managed to attach the tracker doesn't mean Karma wouldn't have noticed and ditched it somehow. We need to be cautious before taking our next step."

"Has the tracker stopped at all since it left school grounds?" Todoroki wanted to know.

"Briefly, but it's on the move again. "I wasn't able to lock the signal's location when it did, but I think Karma might have been traveling to various stop points to throw off anyone who might be tailing her. If she's unaware of the tracker, then at the very least she's suspicious of being followed."

"Once the tracker stops indefinitely, secure the coordinates so we can send out a scout team. We want to be sure that the location we pick up is the correct one."

"Whatever team we choose will need to be extra cautious. Karma has several people on her team who could provide surveillance, and we don't wanna tip her off or we'll lose our advantage." Bakugo decided rapping his knuckles on the table. "Doesn't matter if she's aware of the tracker or not, Karma's still gonna play it cautiously. She'll probably send her team into hiding before their next job."

"Which pegs the question of what she and the others are really after." Iida rubbed his chin. "Despite the damage to the school no one was really harmed... just a few minor injuries at best.

Her goal really was to collect what she needed then distract us long enough to make her getaway."

"Not only did she collect samples from Eraserhead, but later we found out she'd taken samples from Cementoss as well. What could they be planning to use that for?" Mirio wondered aloud.

"Clones, maybe? A new type of Nomu?" Todoroki put out.

"No..." Eraser shook his head. "I don't know about Cementoss... but my blood is being used for research. I've got a strong suspicion that their hostage, David Shield, is being brought in to help finish that quirkless serum that Overhaul had been working on. From the sounds of it she's also got a couple of doctors in her payroll."

"So she's continuing Chisaki's plans to bring about a quirkless era." Bakugo scowled. "No wonder she's been in the Yakuza area. She's probably been conspiring with Chisaki since his disappearance."

"Maybe... we won't know for sure until we get a secure location."

"GOT IT!" Yaoyorozu called out. "The trackers has stopped indefinitely. It's been idle for at least ten minutes now... and from the looks of it they're underground."

"Good. Jirou, Shinso, Shoji, you'll be the scout team. Head to the location and give us a detailed lineup of where they're at." Aizawa informed. "The rest of us will report to the police and prepare for a raid. We've got one shot at this, heroes. Let's not blow it."

~Secret Lab~

"Well this is attractive." Midori laughed a bit as Dabi placed the nodules over her temples, chest, and stomach. He didn't trust anyone else to touch her.

"Deal with it." He grumbled and finished settling her into the machine. He stood upright now, towering over her, and looking into those large green eyes. "The process will last a week. You'll be in a kind of comatose stasis while your body gradually ages."

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