Mission Improbable

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Image by Yanduri.chan on Instagram

The meeting wrapped up and everyone started to gather up their files and belongings in order to return to the festival. Kirishima, however, stayed seated. He stare long an hard at the picture of Midori that had been aged up to thirteen... in his right hand he had two other photos and kept looking between them."

"Oi, Shitty hair... what's the hold up?" Bakugo approached him with arms crossed.

"I can't shake this feeling that I've seen these two guys recently, but I can't remember where." He held his chin grumbling. "It's bugging the crap outta me."

"Come on, Kirishima, you can think about it later." Kaminari insisted. "I wanna browse the food stands and see what looks good."

"Oooh I could eat." Pinky agreed and clapped her hands together.

"Not me..." Uraraka waved a hand. "Did you see the crowd when we first got here? People were getting knocked down left and right."

"Food stands... knocked d-"

"I-It's okay, Mr. Red Riot-"

"D-down..." Kirishima blinked and suddenly stood up. "HOLY CRAP!" He jerked his head up looking freaked. "You guys I just remembered!"

"Remembered what?" Uraraka looked back.

"These boys..." Kirishima held up the pictures of Max and Yuuichi. "I saw their faces earlier by the food stands. I remember because the one of them had this really cool flaming hairstyle, and the other was shoving his way through the crowd and I knocked over a girl trying to avoid him."

"Are you sure, Kirishima-kun?" Iida adjusted his glasses. "Why would they come to U.A. and put themselves at risk?"

"I know I'm sure... because the girl I knocked down called me "Red Riot."

"Red..." Kaminari trailed off and motioned to Kirishima's casual wear which included him leaving his hair down and loose, and a pair of sunglasses that sat on his head. "How she recognize you in that get up?"

"Unless she's seen me in it before." He holds up Midori's picture, his eyes hard. "Guys... I know it sounds crazy, but I'm positive it was her. She's here, Karma's at the festival!"

~With Midori~

"That was almost too easy." Midori sealed the blood samples she'd taken from the unconscious Cementoss, and move to the next task of planting the spy chip inside U.A.'s computer database. Yuuichi and Max worked on tying his body up out of sight in the faculty lounge, His hands bound inside a bag to prevent him from directly touching anything and activating his quirk.

"Well to be fair, the guys was already taking a nap." Yuuichi chuckled and spun the tranquilizer gun around his finger. "We just had to give him a little extra boost of sleep aid to make sure he stayed that way."

"It really was sheer luck that we spotted him when we did. Who the hell takes a nap in the middle of a gymnasium full of rambunctious kids?" Max questioned.

"Someone who's been pulling all-nighters." Midori tapped the keyboard. "Seems the teaching staff has been working double shifts to cover certain teachers working off campus. Eraserhead in particular has been extremely active after school hours it looks like, leaving Cementoss chaperoning the dorms on his own."

"Wow, guess teachers really are overworked and underpaid." Yuuichi half kid.

"Huh... now this is interesting..." Midori clicked on a private file, and in it popped open the pictures of her and everyone who had escaped from he JDC. "Seems there was a meeting today with the teaching staff regarding us."

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