Culture Fest: Part 1

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Artwork By: Yanduri.Chan on Instagram

"Natsu!" Shoto jogged up to his brother who waited in front of the cafe as he promised. "Where's the kid?"

"Not sure... by the time I got back he wasn't here anymore. One of the waitresses told me he left with his older sister, and the two of them started heading that way." He pointed down the street. "I wouldn't even know where to begin looking in this huge crowd."

"Kuso..." Shoto placed his hands on his hips. "I was hoping to get here in time, but I guess I shouldn't expect it to be that easy. Let's speak with the manager, I'll need to see camera footage just to verify that I'm right."

"I figured as much." Natsu jerked a thumb to himself. "I already talked to the manager for you. He says he'll be glad to help you search through the feed."

"Nice job, I'm sorry to drag you into my investigation like this, Natsu, but this is the biggest lead I've had in weeks."

"Aww don't mention it." Natsu wrapped an arm around his little brother and pat his shoulder. "Now come on, it's time for you to do your whole hero thing."


"... and we're in!" Kaoru grinned as he brought up security footage, and files from the infiltrated hero agency. "We now have full access to the hero network! Nice job, Max."

"Thanks, but I can't take full credit." Max rubbed the back of his head and gave a thumbs up to Roni and Slim. "With these two backing me up, and Yuu keeping watch outside, we were able to get in and out without raising suspicion."

"Yeah, and that La Brava girl really came through with this tech." Roni added lifting up the spare chip. "With these we can now get a heads up on the hero's moves and stay off their radar more easily."

"All of you did a great job." Midori smiled at her crew and ruffled Finnick's hair. "Our jobs just got a whole heck of a lot easier."

"With this tech it should be easy to keep tabs on the few heroes in question, so now we just gotta figure out how to collect the samples the docs want."

"Yes, all of this was the easy part." Midori agreed, holding her chin. "This next mission won't go nearly as smoothly."

"A few of these guys shouldn't be a problem with the crew and access we have... but Cementoss, and Eraserhead are another story. Both of them are UA teachers and rarely leave the campus. How are we supposed to collect DNA samples from them if we can't even get close to them?" Yuuichi questioned tapping the file in question.

"Getting into UA won't be the problem. La Brava was able to hack into Tartarus prison and overtake the system, so UA should be far easier to penetrate. The harder part is going to be blending in. Only a few of us here are around the age where we can pass off as freshman, and we'd need thorough disguises and in order to securely get in." Midori explained, her brain already fast at work. She unrolled a map of U.A. campus and opened up her notebook to start scribbling down a game plan.

"Oooh I know that look." Yuuichi grinned suddenly. "Does the Queen have a plan?"

"Yes, but please stop calling me that." Midori sketched out a brainstorm map, listing names in various bubbles then circling them around the names of the three targets. "This weekend is the U.A. Culture fest. It's held once a year, and for awhile they closed it off due to league activity, but just recently reopened it to the public."

"Security?" Roni questioned as she studied the large map of U.A.

"High, but like I said, with La Brava helping us we should be able to infiltrate with no problem." She paused and tapped her pen on the outline she made, and her eyes readjusted while scanning the map. "We're splitting up into groups a little differently this time around. I'm putting La Brava and Gentle in charge of the tactical team which will consist of Claus, and Dia."

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