The Birth

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Author’s Note: I apologize ahead of time if I cause any offense or hurt feelings in this or any future chapters. This is a work of fiction and any stereotypes, jokes, or depictions I add in are not my true feelings or outlooks on certain cultures. Please take anything I write with a grain of salt. 

Thank You.  


She’d been raised on the Island of discovery. Inventions, ideas, and unapologetic discovery was part of day to day living. There were no limitations to imagination, no right or wrong ways to expand your mind and just offer up wisdom and knowledge. 

...or so she thought. 

As it turns out I-Island was full of restrictions. A person’s imagination could be reeled in, denied, and all their years of hard work thrown away. That was the case for her father, and in the end caused him to make the drastic decisions that led to his banishment. 

“Why did you do it, Papa?” Melissa sniffed as she sat beside him while he recovered from the lacerations and head wounds Karma had given him.

“I didn’t know that they weren’t actors. I didn’t know that he’d hired real villains.” David admitted lowering his head in shame. “I just wanted to help my friend.” 

“So you were tricked? They used your kindness against you?” She wiped her tears. “How cruel.” 

“No, Melissa. It is my own fault, for not accepting the inevitable.” He turned his eyes up to Melissa. “Phoenix… or Karma… or whatever she wants to call herself. She was right. I wasn’t looking to improve the world, but instead keep it the same. I just couldn’t accept that one day, All Might will no longer be the Symbol of Peace. His light will burn out, the world’s foundation will fall, and there’s nothing we can do to stop it.”

“Papa…” Tears slipped down her cheeks. “How can you say that? How can you say that a villain is right?” 

“It’s the truth, Melissa. It’s a hard truth but it’s still true. No one wants to accept it, no one wants to believe it, and that’s exactly why Karma does what she does. She’s opening the eyes of the world, and doing so by force. Her actions are wrong, but her motives are not.” 

“So just because she’s right we’re just supposed to accept it? I don’t believe that and neither should you. There has to be another way, Papa, a better way!”

“There is… but Karma has closed her eyes off to it.” David smiled at his only daughter. “What she should have done, and what I should have done... is have faith.” 


“Yes. Faith that there are people like Mirio who will take up All Might’s torch and light the way into the future. Faith that there are people who will work hard and improve society. People like you.” 

“Like me?” 

“Yes, you have a gift Melissa.” He takes her hands in his. “ You not only work hard, but you constantly seek to improve yourself and help others. Don’t give up on your dream. Grow, learn, improve… and show the world just how bright and beautiful it can be.” 

~End of Flashback~

“I won’t let you down, Papa.” Melissa folded her hands together. She’d spent the last three and half months traveling the world, gaining whatever knowledge and experience she could and absorbing as much information as she could. “I will have faith, and I won’t give up.”


Melissa turned her head when she heard her voice being called. Her smile broke out and she waved rushing over to the bright and happy blonde in her sight. 

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