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"What the hell do you mean we can't see her!" Bakugo slammed his palms on the receptionist's desk. The woman behind the desk jumped and scooted back in her chair looking frightened and turned to Shoto who was the calmer of the two.

"I'm sorry, sirs, but that's just what I was told. Midori Todoroki has been put into isolation and her visiting right have been revoked until further notice."

"That's fucking-" Bakugo started to rage again but Shoto put a hand on his shoulder and took point on the conversation.

"Can we speak with your supervisor about it? We'd like to know the details. Midori is my niece and I have a right to know why I can't visit her."

"Uh... of course... give me just a minute" She quickly picked up the phone, hoping someone else could handle this tense situation. "Captain Akira? Yes this is Jane at the front desk. Yes, Ground Zero and Endurance are here to see Midori... I understand that sir, but they insist on speaking with a supervisor... yes, thank you sir." She hung up and managed a polite smile. "Captain Akira, who is our head of security, shall be with you in just a moment. Please make yourselves comfortable."

Annoyed and irritated, Bakugo slumped into one of the waiting chairs against the wall and crossed his arms. He muttered incoherently, his foot bouncing impatiently. Shoto took a seat beside him holding the gift he and Bakugo had picked out together.

"She's only been here a few days. What do you think could have happened?"

"Whatever it is, these ass hats have a shit ton of explaining to do."

The doors open and Captain Akira strut in looking strict and militant. He eyed both of them sternly and motioned with a jerk of his head.

"Ground Zero, Endurance, follow me." He turned about face, and led the two of them through doors to the main facility. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but I'm afraid Midori Todoroki has been a problem since she arrived here."

"What do you mean by a problem?" Bakugo sneered. "She's always been a well mannered kid."

"The doctors made the mistake of allowing Midori to partake in social activities with the other children here. Many of these children are delinquents and trouble makers, and a kid like her is quite impressionable, especially since we all know who she really is."

Bakugo growled between his teeth and he snagged the back of Akira's uniform and shoved him to a wall.

"Excuse me?"

"Bakugo! Calm down!" Shoto grabbed his arm. "Fighting with him won't get us any closer to seeing Midori." He soothed and Bakugo slowly released his grip and backed off. "We're aware of Midori's background, Captain... but we agreed to send her here because Hawks and the other professionals assured us that she'd be well monitored and taken care of. Midori is only four years old, and she's no criminal."

"Oh she's not is she?" Akira straightened himself out, then opened a panel to let them into the security room. "Come here... you both should see this."

Hawks glanced up from his spot by the control panel and he sent a cocky grin and a wave to the two young heroes.

"Hey, look who decided to drop by. Gotta say you've real bad timing."

"Stuff it, pigeon boy, what the hell is going on around here? What happened to Midori?"

"Ah she got into some pushy shovey with a couple of the delinquents and things got outta hand." Hawks turned to the video and he rewind the tapes and played it back for them. They'd see Slim attempting to burn the journal, and Midori screaming her head off before swinging a chair at him and kicking the crap out of him."

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