Midori's Choice

386 17 4

Author’s Note: This chapter contains TodoBaku content, so anyone who isn’t a yaoi fan or a fan of this ship, you’ve been warned. 

Midori sat cross legged on her bed, all her furniture and linens that she’d ripped apart and broken were replaced. She pouted a little that they’d destroyed the jump rope she’d made, but let it go considering her situation. 

While everyone was relieved she survived the aging process, not everyone was convinced that she was the sweet little Midori. Captain Akria in particular wanted proof that she wasn’t Karma just playing a role. 

After having a long debate with the Heroics Committee about Midori’s situation, Hawks, Ground Zero, and Endurance managed to convince them to arrange a pardon for her. Midori would be allowed to live with Bakugo and Todoroki provided she follows a few rules, and pass a few tests. Midori wasn’t sure what the tests were, but she was sure of one thing... 

...she was gonna fail. 

She may have some control over her other two personas, but Midori still wasn’t sure Karma wouldn’t lash out if she was provoked. On top of that, she didn’t trust the people around her.  Now that she knew what Karma and Izumi had been protecting all this time, her perspective had shifted into a complete 180.

For the first time in her life Midori was grasping what her identity and personality truly was. She wasn’t a pure innocent child, a weeping damsel, or a violent and dangerous criminal. She was a young woman, with a complicated and traumatic past that gave her both physical and mental strength. She didn’t see the world in black and whites, but in the shifting tones of grey where everyone was capable of good and bad. Her core values were to protect the people she loved, and to always help people in need whether they were heroes or villains or the minors in between.

The question was now that she knew herself, what was she going to do? It was clear from the few murmurs and snippets of conversation she’d caught that Captain Akira wasn’t going to just let her waltz out of this facility. It didn’t matter how firm or determined Bakugo and Todoroki were, because her past spoke for itself. So long as there was a chance Karma could come back they weren’t just going to let her out into society without some kind of leash. 

The thought of being chained down, of being constantly monitored and eyed like a criminal didn’t appeal to her. As much as she wanted to live peacefully with her two favorite people, the chance of her having any kind of freedom while living with them was slim to none. 

She looked down at the quirk suppressor cuffs on her wrists. A precaution they’d told her, but she knew it was more than that. These models were different than the ones they’d initially given her. It was probably a stronger alloy to protect against the immense heat her body generated when her quirk activated. There was a 99.9% chance that a failsafe device was inputted since she’d made the mistake of telling Hawks about Karma’s escape artistry. There was also an 80% chance of a tracking device in order to keep an eye on her until they decided what to do with her. 

Her eyes narrowed down on them, her fingers flexing in and out. She saw only a 10% chance of them bluffing her and that these cuffs were just a fancier version of the cheap and next to useless models from before.  Either way she hated them. It just made it more apparent to her that she was nothing but a criminal in their eyes. 


Her head shot up when she heard the voice coming from the barred window. The face was familiar, though it had chanced some. His hair had grown out more, and he was losing the boyish fat and gaining a more chiseled face. The intense blue eyes were a dead give away. 

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