Leviathan vs. Phoenix

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Midori could tell that this wasn't gonna be like her other bouts. This Leviathan guy was close to her age, but he had a sense of anxious determination she hadn't sensed in the other fighters. This kid wanted to stretch his powers out, and was itching to have a real fight. She needed to be careful not to overdue the delivery, but also not underestimate him.

"Here, take this." Midori put her winnings in Yuuichi's hands. "If the fight turns south I want you guys to head back to the hideout."


"It's just a precaution. I don't know why but I'm getting weird vibes from this kid. I don't know what his game is or why he wants to recruit me, but if he knows the Hassaikai then it's possible he's connected to Overhaul somehow…  he could be from a rival Yakuza gang from the way he's dressed." She closed his hands over the money. "If something happens to me, you and the others use this money to buy papers and get the hell out of dodge. Got it?"

"Midori I'm not leaving-" Yuuichi started to protest. 

"-we got it." Max finished for him and squeezed his shoulder. "I'll drag wolf boy out if I have to."

“You can try,” Yuuichi growled in his throat. 

"Thanks and relax…" she smiles behind the mask then pat their shoulders. "I don't plan on losing."

She walked up the steps and into the cage. Leviathan was already in, cracking his knuckles and surveying the stage. 

“These competitors are getting younger and younger!” A drunk stated with a grumble. “I came to watch real fighters, not some pushy shovey.” 

“That drunk’s about to eat his words.” Giran laughed, biting down on the end of his cigarette and looking to Shirohime. “Why so quiet? Are you worried for your brother?” 

“No…” Shirohime said honestly. “He’s strong, and can take care of himself. I’m just anxious to watch and see what he’s learned. This is his first real fight.” 

“His first huh?” Giran pulled out his cigarette and tapped out the ash. “Should be a good one then.” 

“I gotta say, Phoenix.” Leviathan spoke as he stretched. “Your previous bout impressed me. You got way more guts than the bulk of these losers.” 

“Thanks, but it doesn’t hurt to have the power to back it up.” She laughed, her aura pulsing already. 

“That right?” Leviathan watched keenly, his eyes taking in her flaring quirk, and feeling more confident in his decision. If his hunch was right… he’d need to go full power to start. “Maximum percent then…” He crouched and straightened a few times. His muscles tightening up and the tension in his hands grew. He cracked his knuckles one finger at a time to release it. “I really hope I’m right about you, Phoenix.” 

“Right about me?” She lifted her hands up, the ref doing his usual routine of prepping the fighters. He put his hand as a divider between the two, but the tension was so heavy between them, he felt the urge to yank back immediately and take cover. 

“Yeah,” His smile spread wide behind his mask. “It’ll make my job way easier.” 

“BEGIN!” The ref made a dash just as Leviathan closed the distance fast. Surprised by his speed, Phoenix had no opportunity to put up a defense before his fist landed right in her stomach and sent her careening into the cage. 

“OOOOOF!” She gasped for air, and went to her knees. Fortitude saved her bones from being broken, but the hit had knocked the wind out of her lungs, and the shock of the hit put her off balance and open for another hit. His foot came up and she barely shifted her arms up to block when she felt the impact of his foot against her wrists.  "Shit! This kid has some bite to go with his bark." 

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