Assuming an Alias

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Midori the Phoenix

Chapter 2: Assuming an Alias

The trip back from America was hell. For the remaining four months of her pregnancy Izumi made a declaration that she would remain at home and not subject herself to such headaches. Her companions, Compress, Gentle, and La Brava remained in America acting on her orders to see to the preparations she laid out before returning to Japan.

She knew Tomura was going through his own battles in Japan and would need their assistance. The Japanese Liberation Front, a group of radicalists, were on the hunt for them and it was because of Kurogiri that they were able to narrowly escape it.

Tomura was growing stronger, Compress had declared, training himself and his quirk to the breaking point. On top of that the doctor had provided them with a clue to a possible ally who could turn the tides. Izumi didn't know who this ally was, but if he could help Tomura remain out of harm's way, then all the better.

She took a few minutes in the bathroom to freshen up and change her guise. She winced a bit as she changed her contact lenses from blue to red, then put on a silvery blonde wig so that she matched Eri's coloring. She fluffed her fingers through it, grateful that it looked natural on her. She wished she knew enough about make-up to make her skin a bit smoother and paler but the overall look would do.

Once her transformation was complete she picked up her carry on and flipped open her phone to call Touya.

"Hey, how'd it go?" He answered a little breathlessly.

"Better than I'd hoped it would. Are you alright? You sound out of breath."

"I'm fine, I just had to chase the damn dog down the street after Kota lost grip on the leash." He let out a long wheezy breath that made her smile with affection. Touya was not the most athletic of men. Probably due to the fact he had relied so heavily on his mind and quirk. "Remind me why we needed to get a pet?"

"Because all young families should have one." She laughed. "Plus I've always wanted a puppy. He'll be nice and big when he grows up and will make an excellent guard dog."

"Why couldn't we just keep Nomu? He was at least obedient, and didn't chew on my shoes." Touya complained and grunted as the dog started to do just that. 

"Very funny." She rolled her eyes and hailed a taxi. "I'm getting into a cab now, I'll see you in a half an hour."

"Okay, but be careful. The old bat across the street has been waiting for you and has been camping out on her front stoop all morning."

"Well she does like her gossip. No worries, husband, I'll handle her." She hung up and fluffed her wig again feeling confident. When the cab pulled up to the sweet cottage, Izumi got out with the help from the driver which earned him a generous tip. She waved her fingers as he drove off and unlocked the gate getting ready to go in.

"Mrs. Todoroki!" The old woman, whom Touya warned her about, came running across the road and straight to her. Mrs. Amelia Bennett was a widow with two sons and a daughter, all of whom still lived with her. Her eldest son was a doctor, and the very physician she'd sought out to assist her in her pregnancy. Amelia was breaching sixty years old and carried the age well and spiritedly. She had an interesting quirk called gab, that allowed the woman to talk for days without stopping for breath. Izumi found it both a challenge to counter and secretly annoying to deal with. "Welcome back. How was your trip? Was it productive?"

"Yes, quite so Mrs. Bennett." She turned offering a polite smile and took her offered hands. "Has my husband been behaving himself?"

"Oh absolutely, he's a fine young man much like my Robert. Very stoic and private, but clearly loves his children. I just saw him walking with the wee ones a few minutes ago and it was the sweetest picture."

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