Prison Break

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Midori felt like royalty as she was led through the corridors by a circle of guards. She knew they weren't there to protect her so much as to protect other people from her. Still she liked to imagine that her scenario wasn't as grim as it actually was.

The cafeteria for instance wasn't so much a mess hall as it was a royal court, with guests dining, socializing, and prancing around. Since she had no true escort she was free to mingle with all manner of men, and choose the one that caught her eye. She strolled over with her head held high and elegance in her step. She came up behind him, his head perking up and those piercing blue eyes locking onto her. She slid onto the table and crossed her legs sending him a confident smile. 

“Hello stranger…” She rocked the seat next to him with her foot. “Is this spot taken?” 

“Heh,” He sent her a quick grin and lounged back. “Yeah, actually, I’m saving it for a friend.” 

“Perhaps I can keep you company until she gets here?” Her eyes softened with affection as his laugh rolled out of him. He stood up and plucked her off the table hugging her tightly. 

“Glad to see those ass hats didn’t break your sassy spirit, Midori.” He buried his face in her neck. “Welcome back.” 

“Thanks, Yuuichi.” She hugged him back her eyes closing as the hug eased all the tension from her isolation. “We need to talk.” She whispered in his ear.

“I figured.” He whispered back eyeing the guards at all the exits. “Security around here has been amped up to the tenth degree. I haven’t seen so many heroes around here since some senior kids started a riot last year.” 

He let go and motioned her to sit down. He offered up his bread roll and she took it and munched down. As she did so her eyes gave a quick scan of the room and she put a bored expression on her face. 

“Swallow your food and listen.” She told him calmly as if they were having a normal conversation. “They’re transferring me to Tartarus in a week.” 

Yuuichi played with his food for a second, letting the information sink in before he took another bite and spoke muffled through the chewing. 

“If that’s true then how come you’re walking amongst the normies?” 

“They’ve either taken measures to prevent me from escaping, or they think I’m obedient enough not to try and run away.” Her eyes went hot with temper and she eyed her cuffs. “Either way is insulting to me. When I first came here I was scared, and confused… but I’m neither of those things anymore. I’m tired of being used, and forced into submission. If those fools think I’ll just obediently play the damsel in distress, they’ve got another thing coming.” 

“So what’s the plan?” Yuuichi slurped at his drink and Midori bit into the roll. 

“Working on it…” She admitted. “Whatever it is I’m not gonna be able to escape alone. I’m gonna need help.” 

“Well I’m limited in how much I can help you.” Yuuichi belched and lounged back in his seat. “Captain Akira knows we’re friends now, and if you befriend anyone he’ll start putting eyes on them too.” 

“Befriend… huh?” Her eyes shift to the side as Max and Slim walk by. Max took notice of Yuuichi first, but then saw the girl at his side and he sent her a quick smirk. 

“Ah, I see Wolf Boy has made another friend. This one isn’t as shrimpy as the last.” He pulled out the seat across from them and sat backwards in it. “Hey, curly top, why not ditch the animal and come hang out with a couple of real men.” 

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