The Villain Compromise

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It was a brisky Friday morning when Karma and the league put operation "New World" into action. Broadcast, more than eager to help after finding out his son was amongst the kids that had been taken, sent out a world wide signal so that Karma could deliver her message.

"Greetings world... long time no see."

Time seemed to stop as people took the time to stall and stare at the familiar face of the Queen of Villains.

"She's making her move!" Tsukauchi ordered his men, taking action much like a general would with his troops. Police, heroes, and other officials hustled around each with a separate task in response to this. "Record every moment, I want this broadcast analyzed and picked apart. Find her!"

"Many of you might be confused. After all it was announced to everyone that I died in childbirth several years ago. Surprise! I'm alive and well... and I want to thank U.A. High School and the Japanese Heroics Committee for taking care of me all this time."

"What did she just say?" A random viewer gawked, many others sharing his confusion as Karma continued to smile into the camera.

"Is she saying that U.A. and the Heroics Committee have been harboring her all this time?"

"Why would they do that?"

"Damn that woman..." Eraserhead cursed as he and the UA staff watched the broadcast via computer screen.

"Please don't blame the heroes for keeping secrets... after all they weren't quite aware that it was me. Afterall I looked like this." She held the photograph up of her younger self and Class 3A. The entire world was in an uproar. Crowds of people discussing amongst themselves about this unexpected revelation.

"She's telling them everything." Midnight held her chin. "I see, so that's her game. Appealing to the masses and getting them on her side."

"So what are we just standing around here for!?" Present Mic waved his arms erratically. "We need to shut this girl up."

"By all means, how do you intend to shut the entire global internet down?" Aizawa glared at him.

"Uh well..."

"Just shut up and watch the screen you idiot. We need to pick up on anything we can use or pull from to get her location."

"Right!" Mic hunkered down again. Just as Karma shrugged and folded her hands in her lap. She continued to speak, giving highlights of her rebirth and skimming over anything unpleasant.

While Karma desperately wanted to blame the heroes, turn the entire world against them... it would defeat the true purpose of her plan. Instead she played it off, giving way to her more nurturing and sweet side.

"The heroes and I have been battling back and forth for years, but a woman's got to know when to settle down and think what's best for the future. Now that I'm back to my proper age, and reunited with my family, I've decided to show my gratitude to the heroes for the care they've shown me by extending a truce."

"You gotta be fucking kidding me!" Bakugo cursed holding his phone out as he and Todoroki sat in their kitchen, the food he'd prepared going cold on their plates.

"The following people are to gather together on Saturday Morning at 10am for a special conference inside the conference hall of the Committee building." On the screen, a list of names, and their photographs scroll across the screen. "There we will discuss the terms of the truce, and hopefully come to a mutual understanding. I look forward to seeing all of you there."

She waved her fingers and gave a wink.


Bakugo threw his phone across the room as the screen went black. He let out a short pithy curse before getting up to pace.

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