Tipping the Boxes

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"Thank you for meeting me here Toshi." David huddled over the bar, playing with his drink and looking around nervously. "I didn't feel comfortable speaking about this over the phone."

"You said it was important and besides, old friend, I wanted to see how you were doing." He reached over patting his shoulder. "How is Melissa fairing?"

"She's good, better than good. She's risen to the top of her class and is looking to transfer off the island to do some internships abroad."

"That's wonderful to hear." He smiled and waited for the bartender to move along before speaking again. "Now then, tell me what has you so jumpy." 

"I saw her…" he stated simply not sure how safe they were from putting ears. "A week ago here in San Francisco."

All Might knew immediately of whom he spoke of. 

"You're certain?"

"Yes… She approached me herself. She asked me if I wanted redemption for what I'd done." 

"Did you call the police? Told them what you knew?" He huddled down now knowing why the secrecy was so important.

"No...She wasn't entirely herself, but she knew how to trap me and keep me quiet. She was still intimidating despite looking more frail and tired than the last time I'd seen her."

"Life on the run can do that even to someone as intelligent as Izumi." He sipped his drink.

"I think it's more than that. This is only conjecture right now but…" he looked around again and bent in close for All Might to hear. "I've found evidence that makes me believe that she's pregnant."

"PREGNANT!?" All Might had to slap his own mouth closed and huddle down to keep from being recognized. "Are you sure? She's still so young."

"She had intimate relations with Kai Chisaki and was planning to marry him wasn't she? She gave me copies of his research hoping I could help her make a support item from the information. Among the research there was a folder labeled the Karma project."

"The Karma project? Was Izumi the one being studied?"

"No… the research revolved around another girl's quirk, but I can't get into that. What I can tell you is that the Karma project was a special request Izumi put in asking Chisaki to change the conditions of his formula. Instead of destroying quirks, it destroys the mind through de-evolution. She requested only one to be made and Chisaki finished it shortly before they were married." 

"All for One…” All Might lay a hand over his eyes as the puzzle pieces came together. “That explains why she went to Tartarus of her own free will. It was for revenge.”

"Justice is how Chisaki put it. He wrote journals along with his research data and got pretty intimate with the details. There's no guarantee he succeeded, but there's a passage where he clearly states he wants to impregnate Izumi in order to claim ownership over her." 

"That poor child, these villains just continue to use and abuse her. First All for One, then Shigaraki, now Overhaul."

"Poor child my ass," David muttered and took a long swig of beer. "She's plenty capable of handling herself Toshinori."

"She shouldn't have to." All Might sighed and folded his hands together. "Despite how she acts she's only 16 and she'll be a mother by age 17. She's always trying to take care of others when instead she should have others taking care of her. She should be living a normal life, going to school, making friends, and having fun."

"We are talking about the same Karma who held you hostage in a warehouse while the city burned, right?" David pointed out. "You've got to get this image of her innocence out of your head. She's a wanted criminal and for good reason. No matter what circumstances put her there she made the choice to follow the path of a villain."

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