A Mother's Love

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"Dad...Dad…" Finnick sat on Dabi's stomach shaking him trying to get him to wake up. Dabi in turn groaned in complaint and shifted tossing his son to the side of him. 

"Go away…" he groaned.

"Come on Dad you promised...Dad... dad…" Finnick huffed and his eyes narrowed. His quirk activated with his temper, a spark of fire igniting and burning Dabi's pillowcase. "DAD!!!"

"GAH FUCK JESUS FINNICK!!!!" Dabi jolted awake and rubbed his ear feeling the heat of it. "Alright, alright I'm up, no need to set the damn house on fire." 

Finnick Todoroki

Quirk: Pyrokenisis, can mentally ignite an object or person through intense visual contact. 

"You promised to train me when I got my quirk. You promised!"

"Yeah, but not at five fucking o clock in the morning." He yawned and pulled himself out of bed. He slumped to the closet grabbing a pair of pants and a shirt. Finnick sat on the edge of the bed watching him eagerly. "Why are you so damn excited about this anyway?"

"Shigaraki said training is a fun father-son activity. It’ll strengthen our bond." He grinned widely. 

“What the hell would Shigaraki know about father son bonding?” He muttered and shoved his t shirt on. “Training didn’t exactly help my father and I bond. It made me hate his guts.” 

“Huh?” Finnick blinked and his expression turned worried. “It-It did?” 

“Yeah, but…” Dabi sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m not gonna train you like he did. My father was an asshole who was obsessed with power.” 

“Oh…” Finnick giggled. “Well you’re nothing like that, dad, so we should be okay, right?” 

“Right…” he smiled and ruffled his hair. “Though if you keep waking me up at the butt-crack of dawn I may very well consider putting you up for adoption.” 

“Hahaha,” Finnick laughed, knowing it was a joke. 

“I’m not all that athletic myself, Finn, but I can teach you some basics.” He took him by the hand and walked him out towards the back. When they arrived they saw Kota, shirtless, and already deep into his calisthenics. “Looks like we’re not the only ones up at the butt crack of dawn.” 

Kota paused mid-handstand and adjusted his stance to look at the two upside down. 

“Who can sleep? I’ve got such an adrenaline rush going right now.” He backflipped several times before landing on his feet and stretching. The kid was only ten, but thanks to the addition of Muscular’s quirk he already had some impressive looking guns. Strong arms, strong legs, and his growth spurt put him just at five feet. Dabi thought by the time the kid was sixteen he’d be over six feet tall.

“No more sugar before bed for you.” Dabi walked over placing his hands on Kota’s forehead. “Are you staying hydrated? With your quirk it’s double important for you to keep your body’s fluid count up.” 

“Yes, daaad….” Kota rolled his eyes then looked to Finnick who was pouting. “Ignore me and look after your own, huh?” He slapped Dabi’s arm and strutted to the tree where he’d left his water jug. 

“Heh, right,” he turned to Finnick and motioned him over. Finnick’s pout immediately dropped and he ran over all smiles. Dabi crouched down and he ran fingers gently through the red mop of curls. “From what Rob said, the key to your quirk is eye contact, and focus.”  He pointed outward. The backyard blended in with the natural surroundings which was a wide open field that leads into a forest area. In that field was a group of targets, and outlined areas they used for training purposes. “Do you see the center target straight ahead of us?” 

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