The Phoenix Rebels

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"We interrupt this program to bring you a special news bulletin."

The TV screens flicker to show a reporter aboard a helicopter flying over the JDC. Smoke rose in the distance, and the reporter’s face looked grim as she spoke into her headset.

"I'm flying over the canyon trail that leads to the Detstar Juvenile Detention Center where there was a mass mutiny and over half the children under their care have escaped. According to eyewitness reports two delinquent children somehow got possession of release triggers for the quirk suppression cuffs and freed themselves and others in order to rage war against the staff.  Their powerful and uncontrollable quirks overwhelmed the heroes that attempted to help, and many were injured during the attack. The number one hero Hawks tried to prevent any further damage and did manage to keep twenty five children from escaping, but the bulk of the escapees stole a medical supply truck and fled the scene.”  

The reporter holds on as they circle over the crash site where heroes and police cars had gathered and were pulling kids out of the ravine before putting them in handcuffs.

“As you can see below, the truck has been found at the bottom of the canyon. Hawks had pursued and attempted to save the children and vehicle, but was gravely injured by one of the escapees and he was unable to keep the truck from rolling over the edge. Many heroes have been called in to search the wreckage and so far no deaths have been reported, but many children are still missing in action and have yet to turn up. We'll keep you posted on any further developments of this shocking event."


“You had, ONE JOB, Akira.” Aizawa paced in front of the ex-head of security. Thanks to his reckless decisions and screw ups he’d been relieved of his job, but that didn’t excuse him from receiving a lecture from the heroes he’d let down. “Keep Karma from escaping for ONE WEEK, let her play nice with the other kids, make her feel cared for and concerned over… but instead you flew off the handle, pushed at her buttons, and on top of all that moved up her transfer date without informing me, Lemillion, or any of the other heroes who could have prevented this catastrophe from happening! What the hell were you thinking!?”

“How was I supposed to know that she’d brain washed the one kid in the facility who hated her guts as much as I did?” 

“That’s another thing!” Aizawa threw his hands up. “How did those boys get their hands on the release gear? Only security is supposed to have access to those, and yet they got not one, but TWO in their possession?” 

“Hell if I know. Maxwell and Salinsky have been at the facility the longest… a total of eight years in this place. They were on their way to completing the program, and leaving this place, you’d think they’d-” 

“You gave those two special treatment because you thought they were under your control.” Aizawa leaned in, his eyes glowing red as his quirk actuated in a threatening manner. “Well guess what… from the moment Karma stepped in through these doors they were no longer under your thumb.” 

“Mr. Akira…” Toshinori stepped forward crossing his arms, his own eyes looking down in disappointment and anger. “You used my name to help you get permission for Midori to rejoin activities, all so you could devise an excuse to seal her fate. Did you honestly think it was a good idea to put her in a group of malleable young minds? Did you honestly think she wouldn’t figure out a way to use those kids and plan her escape? You’re fucking stupid!” 

“Ooh… the All Might just cursed.” Hawks held his mouth and leaned into Lemillion “He’s Mighty pissed.” 

“As for you, Mr. Hawks…” Toshinori looked over his shoulder and had Hawks sitting up straight, his face and wings bandaged up from the attack. “You’re supposed to be the number one hero. Is the title that holds the most weight truly such a joke to you?” 

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