Executing Plan Beta

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Midori the Phoenix

Chapter 29: Executing Plan Beta

Aizawa sat the shaking Takeru down as he relayed the story to him. He'd been getting ready to alert the entire U.A. staff of Karma's presence, but the panic stricken teenager had latched on insisting that he not do that.

"You don't understand, Mr. Aizawa! She's nuts! She's completely insane! She's threatening to burn down the entire school unless you meet her demands and that requires you not to tell anyone else that she's here."

"Heroes don't negotiate with villains, Takeru. Karma is exploiting every hero's weakness which is protecting civilians. Whatever she's got planned is a trap, and I'm not stupid enough to get caught up in it." He sneered at the very idea.

"Then what are we gonna do. If you show up with backup she's gonna-"

"I'm not gonna show up with help... but like hell I'm gonna let her escape with whatever she wants. I'm telling the others about what's going on so we can be prepared for when she attempts to make her escape." Aizawa pat Takeru on the head. "You've done your part Takeru... just leave the rest to us."

~A few minutes later~

Aizawa met up with Midnight, Present Mic, All Might, and the visiting members of his former class in an inconspicuous location near the arena. He passed on what he knew about Karma's whereabouts and the group bounced back ideas on how to handle the situation.

"I'm going in alone... There's no debating that fact." Aizawa pointed out. "However, we should have every other available hero monitoring the exits. If I can't take Karma down then I need everyone else to pick up the slack."

"Then we'll do it, because you won't be able to." Bakugo told him up front. "Not alone, anyway."

"Dude, way to have confidence in the man who literally taught us how to be heroes in the first place." Kaminari nudged him.

"Shut up, dunce face." Bakugo whirled on Kaminari shoving a finger in his face. "Karma is a mental player. She wouldn't fight him head on unless she knows she can take him."

""Ground Zero has a point." Iida holds his chin as he ran the scenario in his head. "The girl spends her free time taking notes on heroes, their strengths, their weaknesses, and any other information she deems useful.

"Oh Yeah, not to mention that crackpot villain loaded her up with so many quirks that it turned her into a god-damned weapon." Kaminari agreed. "If Eraser plays by her rules then it gives her all the advantage."

"They're right, Aizawa..." All Might pat him on the back. "Why don't I send Mirio with you as back up. He can keep an eye on the exchange from a distance."

"Or I could listen in with a group. We can send back up if you need it." Jirou offered.

"I'm not going in there expecting to win... I'm going in there to lure her out. Once she has what she wants she'll try to make her escape, and that's our chance to go in for the capture." Aizawa brushed off All Might's hand. "Not that I won't try my damndest to take her in as is."

"So then what's the overall plan?" Yaoyorozu asked.

"I want you all to split into smaller groups, keep in mind on whose quirks work well together, and think of strength and balance. Takeru mentioned that Karma isn't alone, so keep your eyes peeled for any of her allies in the crowd. If we can capture at least one of them it would be a win for us."

Aizawa looked to Todoroki and Bakugo.

"I want you two stationed close to ground Beta. Hawks informed us that she's still not in complete control of her quirk's output which means we can overpower her if we can manage to prolong the battle."

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