Gigantomachia's Revenge

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The news of Karma’s death spread like wildfire across the world. The villains claimed her as a Martyr, but the majority of the public saw her as a tragic figure. They saw a young and vibrant teenager who had been led down a dark path that destroyed her life. As for the child that was left behind, the police reported the existence of one, but refused to comment on its location, sex, or paternal parentage.

 This, of course, allowed for rumors to spread about what truly happened to the Queen of Villains. Some believed that she didn’t die at all and that the heroes were clueless where to find her. Others believed that the heroes that came to collect Karma had killed her in a horrific accident and were using the childbirth as an excuse. Some believed the truth, some sought out the truth and some just didn’t care in the slightest.

Whatever the truth, it left a foul taste in Gigantomachia’s mouth. He’d hunted down the Queen of Villains for months only to be left with this unsatisfying moot point. With the girl dead, just what sort of revenge could he achieve for his master’s humiliating defeat? 

He went to the only person who could possibly help him. He went to the doctor. 

“It was risky of you to find me here, Giganto.” The Doctor scribbled down notes, his latest creations fermenting in their tubes. “You don’t exactly blend in with a crowd.” 

“I don't know who else to turn to. My existence, everything I’ve ever done has been for my master.” Gigamachia grumbles and sits down, the ground shaking with the weight and force of his movements. “I must avenge him. Tell me how I can avenge him.” 

“The Queen of Villains is dead by her own volition and lack of virtue.” The Doctor told him and spun around in his chair. “If you truly want to serve your master, then you should serve his chosen disciple.” 

“NO!” He slammed his fist into the ground, shaking the room further and making the doctor panic as his experiments and concoctions threatened to fall and break. “I won’t serve Shigaraki Tomura. He not only is an ill fit to lead, but he betrayed the master! He and his followers chose the Queen of Villains over him. I hate him, I won't serve him!" 

“That may be true, but he’s still the one your master chose to succeed him.” The doctor sighed and righted everything.  “If you truly want to avenge him, Gigantomachia… then you should destroy what's left of Karma’s legacy. She has a child, and I hear Tomura plans to raise that child himself and make him his future successor. You should prevent that from happening, because if there’s one thing I’ve learned from the master, is that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. That kid will be the death of the League of Villains, mark my words.” 

“Where can I find the child?” Gigantomachia slowly got to his feet.

“Shigaraki and Dabi have him hidden somewhere in Tatooin where his mother is from.” He hands Gigamachia a map and circles the apartments in question. “Be thorough, and just destroy the whole building. No point in mourning the lives of civilians in that area… they’ll just get in the way if you try to spare them.” 

“yes… I shall destroy it all. I will destroy Karma’s Legacy.” 

~U.A. Dorms~

Several months had passed since the arrival of Baby Midoriya and the kids at U.A. had become accustomed to having her live with them in the dorm. They all took shifts after class, taking the time to learn how to change a diaper, bathe her, bottle feed her, burp her, and whatnot. Bakugo was the only one who refused to participate in any of it. He stayed as far away from the baby as he possibly could, and did his best to ignore her very existence. 

No matter what anyone said or how hard they tried to convince him, he was bound determined to keep his distance. On a beautiful Sunday morning, he woke up early to train and build up his muscle. Their second year Sports Festival was only a few weeks away and he was doing all he could to improve his techniques and quirk application. Since his first year at U.A, He’d grown several inches to put himself at a solid 5’10”. Todoroki, unfortunately, still had him beat in height, but Bakugo was certain that his strength and agility still far outweighed half n’ half. With his daily regimen completed, he was looking forward to spending a quiet Sunday in his room and away from all the chaos and annoyance. He wiped the sweat from his brow and he jogged up the steps to the dorm entrance.

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