The Spawn of Karma

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“I called in a few favors to get the baby essentials you need, including about a hundred or so bags of diapers for the little tike, which should last you about a week at best.” Ace informed Dabi, watching him pour himself a cup of tea. “I thought you hated tea.” 

“I do…” Dabi brought the cup to his lips and inhaled the fragrance, his broken heart aching as the scent reminded him of Izumi. “Thanks for putting us up, Ace. I appreciate it.” 

“No big, I know you’re good for it. Not like you’re short on funds… but kinda hard to inquire about housing and such looking like that.” He motioned to the scars and stitching. While trying to get Eri off of Izumi Dabi had also been rewound back. He had the appearance of a villain again, but on the plus side he’d regained his quirk. 

“Yeah, but I suppose it could be worse.” Dabi lifted his hand and watched the flames dance in his palm. 

“Do you know what I find interesting about your situation?” Ace took the seat across from him. “Eri rewound your body back to the point you still had a quirk… but you retained all your memories of current events.” 

“Hmmm?” Dabi turned his attention to Ace, pondering that thought. He narrowed his eyes going over some stuff in his head and he lifted a brow. “Huh...You’re right. That is interesting. It seems things like memories, or information intake isn’t affected. I could tell you the names we used, the address of the home we stayed in, numbers and digits from accounts I handled there. None of it was taken away when I reverted back.” 

“Something to think about when that girl finally learns to control her gift.” Ace drummed his fingers on the table. “Speaking of which, how are the kids doing?”

“Finnick’s finally asleep,” He rubbed his tired eyes. “Took me nearly ten hours to get him to stop crying, but he finally went to sleep. Eri’s awake, but she’s become a mute. Thankfully Kota’s been somewhat normal… though I do catch him muttering to himself on occasion.” 

“The joys of parenthood. You sure you don’t want to just leave them at an orphanage somewhere?” 

“No… I made Izumi a promise that I’d dedicate myself to the kids. Single parent life isn’t easy, but I’ll figure something out… I have to.” He sat down, rubbing the tea between his hands and sighing heavily. “I heard Tomura’s in an uproar over the news.” 

“Oh yeah, he’s granting you an audience at your earliest convenience so he can curse you til your ears bleed.” Ace warned. 

"Long love the King," Dabi grunted, he lifted his cup to take a sip… but then paused as a thought came to mind. "Actually… Do you think you can watch the rugrats for a bit?" He stood up. "I’m gonna go talk to Tomura." 

"Sure, but you're just asking for him to put your head on a platter." 

"Maybe, maybe not." He held the tea up in cheers, hoping to siphon some of Izumi's brain power, downed the entire mug in one go. "I have an idea." 

~Herorics committee: England Branch~

"We can discuss the politics of this all we like, but the pressing issue is what are we going to do about the kid?" Eraserhead broke the hot debate with his pressing question.

"Doctor Robert Bennett who delivered the baby has offered to adopt the child himself. His mother agreed to it, though his sister has reserves.” Thomas, the head of England’s Scotland Yard proclaimed. “However, given the circumstances, I think it best if the girl is removed from England territory and put back into Japanese custody.” 

“Agreed,” Dashwood, a british hero with a revolutionary inspired costume, stood up. “The girl may have been born here, but both of her parents are Japanese villains. If the doctor is wrong, and Karma is still alive, then there’s almost a certainty that she’ll come for her child at some point when the opportunity arises. This would put the doctor and his family at risk.”

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