Terrible Twos

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“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t kill you where you sit, doctor.” Tomura stood front and center in front of the good doctor. At his back were Ace, Touya, and Kurorgiri. “Disloyalty is cause for punishment, and giving Gigantomachia the information you did not only put my future prodigy in danger, but also put Gigantomachia on the hero’s radar. I need him as a last resort, and making the heroes aware of him is going to cause trouble.” 

“You have to understand my predicament, Shigaraki.” The doctor tried to remain calm, but swallowed hard knowing full well any of the men in the room could overpower and kill him. “Gigantomachia came to see me, he was adamant about getting his revenge. Had I said nothing he would have destroyed my lab and all my research. Your protege would have been a small sacrifice for the sake of groundbreaking science.” 

“A small sacrifice?” Touya snarled, flames flickering over his palms. “He’s a baby for fuck’s sake! You sent a bloodthirsty beast after a harmless kid, and call that a small sacrifice, you fucking psycopath!?” 

“Read the room, son of Endeavor, we’re villains." The doctor shouted back at him his temper mixed with fear. "Even your dead wife killed innocents in the name of her advancements, or did you forget the Kamino incident?”

“There’s a difference and a purpose in the way we handle things, old man!” Touya shoved a finger in the doctor’s face. "The heroes are our enemies, not each other. Karma got rid of All for One because he couldn't understand that concept. Don't make the same mistake as him and turn is into your enemies!"

“Karma got rid of All for One because she was afraid of him! She was nothing but an ungrateful child who cried and threw a tantrum because she couldn’t be a hero!” The doctor stood up to him. “She had gifts, and determination, I’ll give her that, but her ideals were anything but logical!” He paced around. “The only reason All for One wanted to recruit her was to turn her hatred for society into a weapon against All Might and the other heroes… but then the smarmy brat got delusions of grandeur and look where she ended up!” 

"You miserable little," Dabi snagged him by the throat ready to burn the old man to cinders but Tomura put a hand on his shoulder.

"Calm down, Dabi. We need him alive still. The children are safe, and the doctor has learned his mistake…" Tomura glares at him, his ominous presence putting the fear of god into the doctor. "Right?"

"Yes, Shigaraki, ah Your Majesty." He quickly corrected himself. “Please forgive me for my selfishness.”

“Tch, learned your lesson my ass!” Dabi shoved the doctor back then stuck his hands in his pockets. "Since when have you been so calm and collected, King?"

"Karma taught me that in order to be a good King, I had to be a smart king. A smart King does not kill on a whim or a fancy. If you're going to kill someone their death must have significance or it’s just a waste of precious life."

Tomura scratched his neck a little looking down at the doctor with the wrath of god in his eyes.

"It is by her philosophy that I grant you full pardon, doctor. Your death would be a waste of your talents, and only hinder my plans.” He paused, his voice going low and deadly. “However... cross me again, and nothing will save you from my wrath." 

"Y-yes, Sire." He clears his throat. "I understand."

"Good, now that that's settled you can make up for your serious mistake by completing the assignment I have for you."

"Assignment?" The doctor fidgeted, still a bit wary, but the worse of his anxiety bypassed. 

"Does this have anything to do with the "packages" we picked up earlier today?" Ace wanted to know. "It wasn't easy acquiring them, so I'd sure as hell would like to know what they’re for."

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