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Author’s Note: I took some inspiration from Lindsey Sterling’s "Underground" and "Transcendence" with this chapter. The music itself is so breathtaking, and it really made my imagination go wild. I’d love for you guys to check her stuff out next chance you get. 

Midori’s head shot up when the door to the training room opened. Tears filled her eyes and she jumped to her feet and ran over and straight into the arms of Bakugo. 

“Baku-Nii! Uncle Shoto!” 

“Midori!” Bakugo knelt and engulfed the girl tightly stroking her hair. Shoto came around kneeling down so he could hug her from the other side and sandwich her between him and Bakugo. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, Midori.” 

“I didn’t think I’d get to see you again.” She wailed and sobbed into his chest. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry I-” 

“You’ve nothing to apologize for, Midori.” Shoto crooned to her. “We failed as your guardians, we failed to protect you. Can you forgive us?” 

“Mmmhmmm…” She whimpered and nodded, grateful, so grateful that hawks had kept his word and allowed this to happen. 

“Everything’s gonna be okay now, Midori. We had a long talk with the staff here, and this time they’re gonna help you for real.” He pulled her back so he can look into her eyes. He wiped the tears away. “This time we’re gonna be here with you every step of the way. Your uncle Shoto and I aren’t going anywhere until we know for sure that you’ll be okay here.” 

“You promise?” Midori wiped the tears away, sniffling.

“Yeah, we promise.” Shoto kissed her temple and picked her up, holding her good and close. The doors open again, and Hawks, Akira, and several guards come in. 

“They’re ready for her, guys. Everyone’s here and in position.” Hawks informed them with a grim face. 

“What’s going on?” Midori asked clinging to Shoto and trembling. 

“Professor Tarkin, and the other doctors have come up with a solution that’s gonna help you get control of your quirk.” Shoto informed her. He kept her calm by stroking her hair, he and Bakugo walking her out the door. They were immediately surrounded by the posse to keep the perimeter secure. All of them knew that her quirk could lash out at any moment. 

Akira scanned his ID card on a metal panel and punched in a code. The doors opened and the group took a long flight of stairs down to the basement laboratory. Midori eyed all the chemicals, tubes, tanks, and equipment and felt a shudder run through her. 

“I don’t like this, Baku-nii… Uncle Shoto… are you sure they’re gonna help me?” 

“Don’t you worry, Midoi.” A familiar voice called out to her and she turned in Shoto’s arms and looked with wide eyed surprise at who was in the room. “We’ll all be here to help you through this.” 

“Big Brother Mirio… Uncle Aizawa, Papa Might…” tears slipped down her cheeks. “You’re all here?” 

“Once Bakugo and Shoto told us what was going on we weren’t about to let these doctors have their way without our consent.” Aizawa stepped up and held out his arms. He took Midori and held her protectively. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep your quirk at bay until the procedure is done.” 

“And I’ll be here to make sure Karma doesn’t interfere.” Mirio jerked a thumb at himself. “I won’t let you down.” 

“This procedure they’re doing is gonna be scary, and uncomfortable, but we’ll be right here with you. So don’t be afraid okay?” Toshinori reached out petting her hair. 

Midori the PhoenixWhere stories live. Discover now