Detstar JDC

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Author’s Note: I blame a friend of mine who read my fic and pointed something out to me. I had to include it because now I can’t fucking unsee it. *bangs head against keyboard* 


"...and now for our top story: the prestigious school known as UA has once again narrowly avoided a deadly scene. The dorms for the 1A hero course went up in flames, an accident witness reports say were caused by a quirk that spun out of control. Only one student suffered minor injuries, but the rest of the young heroes were able to escape unharmed."

The woman giving the report tapped her notes once before laying them out flat and continuing the story. 

“Concerned parents and members of the community questioned UA about the cause of the fire. Police reports say that a young girl who had been staying in the dorms was the source of the quirk accident. Principal Nezu of UA high school assured everyone that the child in question will be moved to a more secure location where her quirk can be properly monitored.”  

Bakugo clicked the TV off with an impatient flick of his wrist.

“Damn press is making a bigger deal of this than it needs to be.” He turned towards the group that had gathered to discuss the matter at hand. “She just needs training and be kept someplace where she can live more peacefully.” 

“I’m afraid it’s far more serious than you’re making it out to be, Mr. Ground Zero.” The current number one Hero, and the youngest hero to ever make it in the top five in their debut, Hawks spoke up. 

“Who asked you, bird brain!” Bakugo sneered. “Why are you even here?” 

“I came at the committee's request.” Hawks explained with a smile. “They wanted my take on the situation and I’m happy to oblige.” 

“You’ve never even met Midori, so you don’t know a thing about-” 

“Ground Zero, have a seat.” The head director of the committee tapped his papers together and lay them out. “I asked Hawks here to give us some suggestions as he is the current number one hero, and has connections you’re not aware of that could help us.” 

“What kind of connections?” Shoto asked with a frown. “What exactly is all this about?” 

“It’s come to our attention that our initial decision to keep the Child of Karma at UA highschool was a miscalculated judgement. Considering her powerful quirk, and the latest movements of the League of Villains, we feel it’s time that Midori Todoroki was moved to a more...discreet and fortified location.” 

“I see…” Shoto folded his hands and looked to Mirio and All Might who remained quiet. Mirio, for once, didn’t have his happy go lucky smile on his face. Something was definitely up. “I take it you’ve already made your decision on where.” 

“We have…” The Head folded his hands together and narrowed his eyes on Bakugo knowing he’d be the one to blow up at this news. “We’re sending her to the Detstar Juvenile Detention Center.” 

"You can't be serious!" Bakugo slammed his fist on the table. “Midori is only four years old, and you're gonna put her in a prison?!"

“The JDC isn’t a prison, Bakugo.” Hawks corrected with a smile. “It’s more like a training facility. Midori will be well taken care of and be given the help she needs. It’s a completely legitimate program for troubled youth." 

"Putting a fancy label on it doesn't change what it is. You're sending a toddler to a place meant for delinquents and Midori isn't one!" He continued to press. 

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