The Wrath of Finnick Todoroki

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~Phoenix Hideout~

At first light, Midori gathered the escapees into the training room for a meeting. There she disclosed her entire story from the very beginning. She left out the bulk of the details in regards to her relationships and the more graphic events, but essentially gave them a synopsis of her life story and how she wound up a delinquent toddler at the JDC.

Once her story was over she gave them all an ultimatum.

"I can't live a normal life... I doubt any of us can now that we're on the run from the heroes. We can change our names, our appearances, and lie about who we are... but it won't change anything. They'll never stop looking for us, they'll never stop hunting us down because in their minds we are the bad guys. We are the delinquent trouble makers who are too powerful to be kept unchecked. The potential hazards to their perfect society. Even if we gave in, let them capture us and did as they asked, it would never be enough. They will use us, belittle us, and keep us in our cages acting like it's for our own good."

She shrugged at that, pacing the floor, her hands folded behind her back as she went down the line of kids.

"So you've all got three options from the way I see it." She turned to face them head on. "You're free to leave... fend for yourselves, live on the streets, struggle to find food and shelter, and pray you don't get caught and incarcerated in the process. You are free at any point to kiss your freedom goodbye and go back to the heroes and live in their cages where you'll surely be fed, clothed, have a roof over your head, and live in the comforts of hero's so called "protection."

She paused, seeing the conflicted looks on the other's faces already.

"Or you're free to stay with me." She relaxed her hands, her eyes serious, but also genuinely sad and concerned. "I'm not as strong as the reports and stories make me out to be. I can't guarantee your safety, or your protection. I can't guarantee you'll always be comfortable, or happy. What I can guarantee you is I'll put you through some dangerous situations. I'll put you in scenarios where you'll begin to question if what you're doing is right or not. I'll ask you to break the law, fight against it, and other villainous acts."

The room went dead quiet and she lay a hand over her heart.

"If you choose to stay... I can guarantee to be your friend. If you need something, want something, or just need to get something off your chest you can come to me. I will do anything within my power to give you guys the freedom to be yourselves... I won't ask you to put restrictions on yourselves, or to be who you're not. The only thing I may ask of you, is to borrow the power that made you guys so unique and special. I will not abuse it, or force you to lend it to me. If you're not comfortable with a task I've given you then tell me, and I will think of another way. I'm not gonna be a villain who forces others to kill, steal, cheat, and lie if they're not willing to do so."

She took a deep breath and turned her back to the group.

"I'm going to count to thirty. Those that wish to leave, please do so now. There's a total of ten of us in this room... let's see how many are left in the end. One... two... three..." Midori counted slowly, keeping her eyes closed. She ignored the sounds of shuffling feet and murmuring voices and focused all her senses on her own heartbeat. "Twenty eight... twenty nine... thirty."

She opened her eyes and turned around. She did a quick head count and her smile warmed and spread when all ten remained.

"Are you guys sure you're ready to step into my world?"

"You've gotten us this far, curly top." Max smirked and crossed his arms. "I'd like to see how much farther we can go together."

"Besides it's not like we have much of a choice. None of us really have homes or families we want to return to." Tori pointed out placing a hand on top of Mink's head as she gave a solemn nod.

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