The Birth Pt. 2

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Artwork Credited to: Yanduri.chan  (Please check out more of her work on Instagram)

"Excuse me, Miss." Shoto knelt down to examine the woman. He'd been scouting around while waiting for Bakugo to come out of the bathroom. When he spotted this woman he had been drawn to her, and it wasn't until he got closer that he noticed she was in distress. "Are you alright?"

Izumi turned her head down further. She clutched her belly almost protectively, and tried to control her breathing.

Why was he here? Why was Shoto here?! Did the heroes figure out she was in England? How? From David Shield? No... no she gave no indication of that to him. He had no way of knowing. Ace? Did they finally catch and interrogate him? Or maybe one of the other league members who knew her location? Not good, DEFINITELY not good!

"Oi! Icy hot! What the hell are you doing?!" Bakugo stormed over to Todoroki, his lips peeled back in a sneer. "I told you to fucking wait by the fountain so we wouldn't get separated. Don't you know how to listen to instructions?"

Kacchan too!? Sweat beaded at her temples, and Izumi could no longer feel the pain of her contractions. The only thing her mind could focus on was getting out of the situation she was in, and prevent these two from discovering her.

"Sorry, Bakugo." Shoto stood up, keeping a comforting hand on the trembling woman in the wheelchair. "I saw this woman and she looked like she needed help."

"Hah?" Bakugo looked to the woman in the wheelchair and he circled it. He bent his head down trying to get a good look at her face. "Did you try speaking English to her?"

"Oh..." Shoto bopped his fist in his palm. "No, I didn't. Good thinking." Shoto cleared his throat. "Um, Excuse me, miss... but do you need help?"

"That was pathetic." Bakugo snorted at his heavily accented English. "Let me try." He reached down grabbing the woman's chin. "Hey, you... are you hurt? Do you need medical attention?"

"Don't touch me!" Izumi slapped his hand away, thankful her English was in place and she jerked her head away. "I do not know you. Please go away."

"Tch," Bakugo shook his hand, the hard smack catching him off guard. He could feel his temple throb from irritation. "Hey, we are just trying to help. There's no need to-" he trailed off when he noticed her condition, and the puddle forming. "Ah shit, Todoroki, call an ambulance. She's in labor."

Izumi gasped when Bakugo caught wind of what was happening. Despite her head screaming not to, she turned her head up and gave them both pleading eyes.

"No please! I'm fine. I want to wait for my husband." She pleaded and grabbed Shoto's hand to keep him from picking up his phone. Her brain failed her as she reverted to Japanese. "I'm fine!"

"I'm sorry but you- wait what?" Shoto caught on to that last phrase.

"So you do speak Japanese?" Bakugo took her chin again and looked into her eyes. "Are you a half-blood or some..." He trailed off again, and he turned her head this way and that. "You... look familiar."

Izumi felt the blood drain out of her face. Both Shoto and Bakugo look down at her, eyes narrowed as if trying to put together a puzzle.

She fucked up.

~Inside the toy store~

"Hey Touya look." Kota snagged a mask from the shelf and placed it on his face. "Bow before the King of Villains, you worthless heroes!"

"Take that off you twerp." Touya snagged the mask and then looked at the other merchandise on the wall. There was an entire section of "League of Villains" merchandise right next to the wide variety of hero merch. "Karma would not be amused."

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