Volume 1-Chapter 8: The Lost Stray

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The new days come pass, as the Vytal Festival gets closer and closer. In the streets of Vale, they're balloons, banners, ribbons that are all to welcome the new students coming to Vale. Walking down one of the streets is Team DVIL and Team RWBY.

"The Vytal Festival! Oh this is absolutely the wonderful!" Weiss says, excitedly. Ruby looks at her, weirded out by her excitement.

"I don't think I've ever seen you smile this much, Weiss. It's kinda weirding me out." Ruby says with a hand on her hip.

"Yeah...That is pretty weird, but then again I guess the festival is pretty exciting." Dante says, agreeing with Ruby.

"How could you not be excited. A festival dedicated to the cultures of the world! There will be dance, parades, a tournament! Oh- the amount of planning and organization that goes into this event is simply breathtaking!" Weiss says as they keep on walking down the streets.

"*Sigh* You really know how to take a good thing, and make it sound boring." Yang says with her arms crossed.

"Quiet you!" Weiss says, as they all stop in the docks.

"Remind me again, why we're spending our Saturday afternoon, visiting these stupid docks?" Yang says, annoyed at fact that they have to be there.

"Why were we invited to this? There is no significance in letting us join." (Y/n) asks Team RWBY.

"Well, we thought it would be a pretty good idea to hang out with one of the other teams! So...Here you are!" Ruby enthusiastically says.

"Let's just get this done with." Lady says while shaking her head.

"Yeah. I don't wanna stay here for that long." Trish says.

"Hey! Don't be like that, guys. Maybe, we'll be put in a mystical adventure, where we all hate each other." Dante jokingly says, making his teammates groan.

"Uhh, *Covers her nose* This place smells like fish." Ruby says to them, Dante agrees.

"I've heard that students visiting from Vacuo will be arriving by ship today, *Turns around to talk to everyone* and as a representative of Beacon, I feel as though it is my solemn duty to welcome them to this fine kingdom." Weiss says, as they all keep walking.

"She wants to spy on them, so she'll have the upper hand in the tournament." Blake says, as Weiss turns around to object.

"*Scoff* You can't prove that." Weiss says.

"I mean, the coldest person in the block being happy. Yeah, I think we can prove that." Dante says making Weiss glare at him.

"Woah!" Ruby exclaims as she looks down the street, to find a Dust store robbed and broken.

They all walk up to the detectives on the scene, so they can know more of what happened.

"What happened here?" Ruby asks one of the detectives.

"Robbery. Second Dust shop to be hit this week. This place has turned into a jungle." The detective says as he walks back into the store.

"*Saddened* That's terrible." Yang says.

"Can't imagine what the store owner's going through right now." Lady says, as they all notice two other detectives talking about who did it.

"They left all the money again." One of the detective say, as the teams listen in.

"Yeah, it just doesn't make a lick of sense." The other detective says.

"Who needs that much Dust?" The first detective says.

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