Volume 5-Chapter 1: Welcoming Problems

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Tall snowy mountains covered the plains with water glistening with gold as the sun rose. All of a sudden, a large gray airship comes into view.

"So, how much further?"

"We're in the home stretch now."

Inside the airship, the first voice was that of Weiss while the response was the pilot. Weiss was leaning on the wall closest to the door of the cockpit while the pilot continued maneuvering the airship.

"No more stops from here to Mistral. Sorry for the long trip. Keeping us off the radar's been harder than I thought. Lots of air traffic around northern Anima." The pilot says.

"It's fine. I... just hope I haven't been a burden." Weiss says.

"Don't worry about it. You're always welcome on this ship." The pilot says.

Suddenly, some transmission begins playing out on the radio confusing them both. The pilot reaches over to a slider, evening out the wavelengths that were shown.

"Is everything okay?" Weiss asks.

"I don't know. We're still over Lake Matsu. Shouldn't be picking up broadcasts this far from Mistral. Someone must be close." The pilot says.

Suddenly, a voice calls out, making Weiss stand up straight.

"Mayday, mayday! We are a small passenger flight, and our Huntress is down! We aren't equipped to deal with this!"

"Oh, man..." The pilot says.

"The Grimm hit us 400 klicks north of the southern shoreline!"

A loud explosion could be heard, making Weiss' eyes widen.

"Get them off us! If anyone can hear this-- Ah!"

Weiss grows more concerned as the transmission abruptly stops with a shout. The pilot begins turning the ship roughly to the side, a loud thud could be heard coming from the containment hold outside of the cockpit. Weiss looks back in concern but she begins walking over to the pilot while grabbing onto the handle on the ceiling.

"We're going to help them right?" Weiss asks.

"What? No. I'm trying to avoid them." The pilot says.

"But... They'll die..." Weiss says.

"Look, if we picked up their transmission, I'm sure someone else did, too. Besides, this is a cargo ship. She's not much good in a fight. It's better if we let it be." The pilot says.

Weiss closes her eyes for a moment before looking ahead as the ship turns to the right and speeds up.

Outside of a fuel station called "Just Rite", Bumblebee was parked. While inside, the bartender was cleaning a glass.

"Aren't you two a little young to be drinking?"

Yang and Lady were seen resting their arms on the counter. Yang takes off her sunglasses.

"Two waters. It's pretty hot out." Yang says.

"Ohhh, sure." The bartender says as he crouches down under the counter.

Suddenly, the guy across from them begins laughing.

"Are you telling me, you two are too young to drink? You gals look like a regular Huntress. And some beauties at that." The drunk man says.

"Talking from the both of us, we're good. Thanks, pal." Yang says.

The guy stands up and begins walking over to the two.

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