Volume 2-Chapter 10: The Activation

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Dante, Trish, and Lady had split apart as Dante went to the central part of the Temen-ni-gru. Of course, once he entered the chamber called the Firestorm Chamber, he was met by two giant statues being held together by large chains as it seems that they guard the large door.

"Look brother! It's been ages, but we finally have company!" The left statue says.

"I see that!" The right statue says.

"We must entertain our guest!" The left statue says as Dante crosses his arms while waiting.

"You're right! We have to be gracious hosts!" The right statue says enthusiastically.

"...What should we do?" The left statue asks the right one.

"How do I know? We need to come up with something!" The right statue says as Dante sighs in boredom.

Brother, our guest is sighing." the left statue says.

"Sigh? What is sigh?" The right one asks the left one.

"Well, a sigh is when"

"Enough already! How long are you two gonna keep carrying on like this? Incase you didn't get the hint, I'll spell it out. Your guest wants to go through. Got it?" Dante asks as the room starts shaking.

"Our job here is to guard this door!" The right one says as he is no longer a statue, but a red demon.

"That's right! We cannot let you pass!" The left one says as he is now a blue demon.

The two jump of their pedestals as they get ready to fight Dante.

Agni & Rudra

Agni & Rudra

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Agni & Rudra leaped into the air as they brought their weapons down onto Dante, but Dante jumped out of the way. And as Dante was in the air, he began shooting Ebony & Ivory at Rudra, the blue demon. Agni though, swung his weapon, making a slash of fire go to Dante.

Dante jumps away as he takes out Cerberus, and pounds it into the ground, making large ice spikes to go to the guardians. Agni began spinning around his weapon as it caused a whirlwind of fire to appear, and Rudra spun his weapon around his body as it caused a small tornado to appear. The spikes were quickly taken out by the fire and wind of both weapons as Dante puts Cerberus back and takes out Rebellion.

"I gotta give you this one, didn't expect you guys to have a way to counteract that." Dante says as he gets into a sword stance with Rebellion.

Dante runs at Agni and Rudra as they both augment there weapons with their respective elemental power. Agni tries to swing his sword down onto Dante, but Dante teleports away from the attack as Rudra tries locating him. Once Rudra locates Dante, he leaps at Dante as he tries to swing his sword as well.

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