Volume 4-Chapter 6: Inspiration

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Team RNJR and Dante walk through a mossy stone pathway in the wilderness that they're in, and it is a fairly cloudy day. Jaune holds the large map in his hands with Ruby and Dante at his side whenever he's in need of assistance. While they keep walking, Nora stretches her arms up wide.

"Another day, another adventure." Nora says.

"What's on the agenda today?" Ruby asks.

"Walking!" Jaune says.

"With a side of...?" Nora asks.

"Walking..." Ren says.

"Wow, that's a whole lot of walking." Dante says.

"*Sigh* Haven is a lot farther away than I thought." Ruby says.

"Ruby? How long did you think this journey was going to take?" Ren asks Ruby.

"I don't know! I grew up in a small area; I've never been this far away from home!" Ruby answers.

"About how much time did you think this was going to take, though?" Dante asks Ruby.

"Maybe like, uh... two weeks?" Ruby says.

"Huh?!" Dante and Jaune both look away from what they were doing to look at Ruby.

"Okay, fine! Three or something!*She doesn't make eye contact with anyone* Look, whatever. Hey, what's that?" Ruby asks as she sees a village in front of them.

Nora runs closer and jumps onto a fence post to get a better look.

"That's strange. I didn't think we'd be hitting another village for a few days." Jaune says while checking the map.

"Are those buildings... damaged?" Nora asks.

"We should search for survivors!" Jaune says as they all sprint into the village.

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All of them, except Nora, run right through the entrance of the village while Nora jumped onto the large wall and then onto one of the house frames. Ruby lifts a plank of wood, only to find outgrown plants beneath it.

"Anything?" Ruby asks.

"Nothing over here!" Nora shouts from the house before jumping down to the others.

"No one over here, either!" Jaune shouts out.

"It almost seems like... the town was abandoned." Ren says.

"Another ghost town. Great." Dante says as he looked inside of a house, only to find broken furniture.

The others begin to move farther into the village while Ruby stays standing for a second, feeling the uneasiness in the wind.

"Hey, I think I found something!" Nora shouts, making Ruby turn to them and rush over.

Ruby sees the four standing in front of the town sign as Nora moves the ivy that was covering the text. All it said was, "Oniyuri". 

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