Volume 2-Chapter 6: The "Useless" Dance

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As the school dance came closer, Team RWBY was stuck in the ballroom as they decorate it. Ruby isn't so motivated though because Blake doesn't want to go, and she doesn't even know about Team DVIL. She is sitting on a chair as she rest her head on her hand, but she's taken out of her unmotivated state by Weiss smacking the table with something.

"I need you to pick a tablecloth." Weiss says as she slides two tablecloths towards Ruby.

" Weiss says as she slides two tablecloths towards Ruby

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"Aren't they both the same?" Ruby asks Weiss.

"*Sigh* I don't even know why I asked!*Walks away* This is why I need (Y/n)'s opinion." Weiss says as she walks away.

Yang walks towards Ruby while carrying a large speaker on her shoulders, and once she was close, she put it down to talk to Ruby. Although, the drop did make a large thump and made the table bounce.

"So, have you picked out a dress yet?" Yang asks Ruby while brushing her hands.

"What's the point? Who cares about the dance if Blake isn't going?" Ruby says depressingly.

"Oh, don't worry; she's going.*Looks over to Weiss in exasperation* Weiss! I thought we agreed: No doilies!" Yang says to Weiss.

"*Walks over to Yang and points at her* If I don't get doilies, you don't get fog machines!" Weiss says as they suddenly hear the door open, and Sun and Neptune walk in.

"Your dance is gonna have fog machines?" Neptune asks Weiss.

"Yeah, Yang was thinking about it." Weiss answers Neptune.

"That's pretty cool." Neptune says.

"You ladies all excited for dress up?" Sun asks while doing finger guns towards the girls.

"Pfft, yeah right!" Ruby says.

"Laugh all you want, I'll be turning heads tomorrow." Yang says with her arms crossed.

"What are you two wearing?" Weiss asks Sun and Neptune.

"Uhh...*Points at his current outfit* This?" Sun answers.

"Ignore him*Blocks Sun* for he knows not what he says." Neptune says.

"*Pushes Neptune's hand out of the way* Hey, I may have moved to Mistral, but I grew up in Vacuo. It's not exactly a shirt-and-tie kind of place." Sun says to Neptune.

"Yeah, we've noticed." Yang says as the three look at Sun.

"*Rubbing the back of his head* So...uh, what does Blake think of all this? She still being all, y'know...Blake-y" Sun asks the three.

"Obviously." Weiss answers while looking away.

"I still can't think of a way to change her mind." Ruby says while resting her head on her arm once again.

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