Volume 4-Chapter 4: Understand

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It was a bright morning in the farm of the boy that had been seen previously. 

The boy walks into the barn while carrying a pitchfork. He walks all the way to a sink and puts down the pitchfork on nearby hay bales. The boy sighs as he walks past the sink, but stops when he thought he saw something on the mirror. He walks to the sink to take a closer look at the mirror, but he only saw his reflection.

The boy scratched his hair while leaning in closer.

"Hello?" The boy asks, but he got no response.

The boy shook his head, as to clear it.

"Hello! I'm Professor Ozpin!"

The boy screams in shock before falling backwards. The boy takes deep breaths to calm himself down while still laying on the floor.

"Oscar! You be careful with those tools!" A female's voice calls out from outside the barn.

Yang stands straight in a dark dining hall with red lights. She looked around before looking down to her arm, but she found out she had both of them. She examined them before looking up and seeing Adam Taurus walking right at her. Adam's red accents on his hair, outfit, and mask glow brightly. Yang steps back, but she notices that she had her gauntlets on.

She angrily screams as she shoots at Adam, but all five shots did nothing. Adam slowly reached his right hand over to the handle of his sword. Yang looked away as she went to shoot Adam, but nothing happened. She looked back at her arm to find that she didn't have the gauntlet on, and that her right arm was gone.

She looked back up to find Adam's straight and cold face looking at her, but Yang woke up from the nightmare. Yang looked around her room while staying still in her bed, and she sees the metal arm that Tai had gotten her, laying on the bedside table. Yang sits up and looks away from the arm. But then she heard laughter coming from outside.

Yang walked down the stairs of the house with her jacket now on, and peeks down the stairs to see the dark house be lit by the kitchen lights.

Yang walked down the stairs of the house with her jacket now on, and peeks down the stairs to see the dark house be lit by the kitchen lights

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"And, and, and then, in comes , wearing a skirt! I was just a TA, I-I didn't know what to do, so I just... I just left the room to laugh!" Port says as all three of them laugh, as Lady walks by with a cup of water in her hand while chuckling a bit.

Yang walked by the door and no one had seen her peek in.

"We told him it was a kilt! He'd never worn a uniform before, so he didn't know!" Tai says to them.

"That is terrible! What is wrong with you!?" Oobleck says while laughing.

"Hey! The girls all said he had nice legs! I did that jerk a favor! Besides, that's not even the best part! See, then we-" Tai says as he's interrupted by Port planting his leg on the table.

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