Volume 3-Chapter 10: The End Has Begun

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Everything is in chaos. Grimm charge through every part of Vale. The fairgrounds are no better as Atlas androids ran through while trying to take down any Grimm. But there are way too many for them too take out. Blake and Weiss ran through as they took cover behind one of the stands.

"I don't believe this..." Weiss says weakly.

Blake brings out her scroll.

"Yang, are you okay?" Blake asks.

Yang is seen running through the hallways of the dorms with Zwei following, and with Zwei's help, Yang manages to answer her scroll even with the handcuffs in place.

"I'm fine. Is Ruby with you? She's not answering her scroll." Yang asks Blake.

"No she isn't.*Yang stops running while having a worried expression* Yang, I'm sure she's fine. She's our leader. She can take care of herself." Blake says to Yang.

Yang closes her eyes and clenches her fists as she hesitantly says:

"Right." Yang says as she begins running once again.

"This can't be happening... (Y/n)... Penny..." Weiss says as she depressingly looks down.

Blake glances at Weiss with a sad and sympathetical expression.

"I'm headed to the docks near the courtyard. The White Fang are releasing Grimm into the school!" Yang says, alarming Blake.

"The White Fang is here?!*A loud crash is heard through the scroll with a roar behind it, worrying Blake further* Yang!" Blake calls out.

"Ugh! Gotta go! Be careful!" Yang says before the call ends.

"Blake, what are we going to do?" Weiss asks.

"We're going to the docks,*Blake begins to scroll through something in her scroll* and we're doing our job." Blake says as she calls her rocket locker.

The locker lands behind Blake, opening up to show her weapon. Weiss gives one last look before nodding.

Back at the Amity Colosseum, the Nevermore keeps on stomping on the force field.

"Warning: Safety Barriers Failing."

Ruby stays on her knees, stuck in shock. Dante starts gently trying to get her to stand up as the Nevermore begins circling around the colosseum. Pyrrha stands up as she looks at Penny haven been split in half and (Y/n) with two swords stuck deep in his upper body while blood went down the swords.

"PYRRHA!! Pyrrha, that thing's going to break in! You've gotta move!" Jaune shouts out from the seats.

Team JNPR look up to see the Nevermore about to dive right into the force field. Jaune jumps into the arena, not wanting for anything to end up badly.

"Jaune!" Nora worriedly shouts.

Jaune runs towards Pyrrha as fast as he can.

"Pyrrha, please! Snap out of it!" Jaune shouts, but he's too late.

The Nevermore dives through the force field and lands on the arena. Making the wind push Pyrrha and Jaune back. The Nevermore screeches as it attempts to stomp Pyrrha, but it's suddenly stabbed by a blur of red. That blur was Ruby with one of Penny's swords.

"Ruby?" Pyrrha asks.

"LEAVE HER ALONE!" Ruby shouts out as she brings the sword up.

The Nevermore gets out of the ground as it begins circling the arena. Dante runs into the arena and begins going after (Y/n). Dante slides down next to (Y/n) and begins saying something.

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