Volume 5-Chapter 3: Surprise Encounter

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The sound of a motorcycle sounds out through the forest. Yang and Lady were on Bumblebee, and the man they had encountered from before... Well... He was tied up to Bumblebee and bumping on the road.

Yang doesn't bother to turn around as she yells out, "How much further, pal?"

"Ow! OW! Right here! You can stop!" The man says as Yang stops the bike.

They had stopped in a clearing, no real path evident from where they were. Yang goes to the back of the bike, untying the guy and letting him stand up.

"You wait here. I'll go up ahead and make sure the coast is clear." The man says as he turns and runs into the bushes.

Yang lowers her sunglasses as she shakes her head in annoyance. Lady takes out her new weapon, a black break-action shotgun made to sustain Dust and regular ammo. She places it on her belt as she also takes out her submachine guns and Kalina Ann to make sure they were alright. Yang takes off her sunglasses, coat tails, and arm sleeves while leaving them on the bike.

Suddenly, they hear the cocking of a gun come from the trees before a trigger was pulled. Yang turns around and blocks the fire Dust round with her metal arm. They were suddenly surrounded by a dozen bandits.

"I can't believe you two were dumb enough to let me lead you here." The guy that they had brought says while walking in front.

"Is this everyone?" Yang asks.

The guy chuckles as he says, "Yes, little lady. This is it. Well, unless you count the whole rest of the camp back that way."

The guy points behind himself.

Yang points to the way he's pointing as she says, "That way?"

The guy gets confused as he looks to his sides, making the other bandits shrug.

"Yes. That way." The guy says.

"This may be easier than we thought." Lady says.

"Now to pay me back for this tooth, we're going to take your bike. And you're going to take your lumps" The guy says while punching his fist.

Lady shakes her head as she quickly grabs Kalina Ann while Yang activates the remaining Ember Celica on her left arm. The bandits train their weapons on the two.

The guy pulls out a revolver as he says, "You got the jump on me last time, sweethearts. But you really ought to think twice about fighting all—"

Yang's metal arm, exposes a barrel of a gun, confusing the bandits greatly.

"Alright... Get them!" The guy says as the bandits begin moving to the two.

Yang looks at Lady as she says, "You get left, I get right. Take out weirdo at the same time."

"Sounds like a plan." Lady says.

A bandit attempts to attack Yang with a blade, but she grabs the wrist of the person, putting them down to look over and shoot an explosive round from Ember Celica. One bandit was hit, launching them into the other as Yang grabbed the bandit she had in her arm and threw them backward with a suplex.

Lady blocked the blade of one of the bandits with Kalina Ann, holding it with one arm to grab her shotgun and shoot it into the chest of the bandit. The bandit is launched backward as Lady grabs Kalina Ann, aiming it behind her and shooting, hitting a bandit with one of her rockets. (5)

Yang looked ahead, seeing a bandit that had a gun aimed at her. She aimed her left arm behind her, shooting her explosive round to launch herself into the air, hitting the bandit with a roundhouse kick. She quickly landed on the ground, grabbing the same bandit to shield herself from a bullet. She let go of the body and shot at the ground, causing her to be launched into the air in a cartwheel.

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