Volume 4-Chapter 8: Light and Dark

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There was no light... All of it was dark... The trees were tall... and there was snow trickling down the tense air... This isn't in the present, but it isn't in the future... so this is the past...

(Y/n) looks at Dante and says,


The shining white attack from Ruby's eyes and Cinder's fiery blast envelop (Y/n).

"NOOOOOOO!" Dante shouts as the white light takes over all of the tower, reaching all the way to the Wyvern. 

Inside of the shining attack, (Y/n) is seen gritting his teeth as his whole body begins to gets scorched. His amulet falls off due to the heat as he quickly grabs the Force Edge, but his arm becomes way too burned, making him drop the sword. (Y/n) struggles to do anything until he cries out in pain and grabs the Yamato and slices the ground.

Back in the dark snowy forest, the only audible noise was the moving air. But suddenly, (Y/n)'s portal appears in the air as his body falls onto the pile of snow. There was a small whistle coming from his body due to the snow being melted by the heat of his body. (Y/n) picks himself up while shaking due to the pain, showing that his clothing had been mostly burnt off as his body was covered in deep flesh burns.

He put his hand inside of his pocket and took out his scroll as he went through it to check a voice message stored inside. (Y/n) tried to make a noise, but his throat began to burn. (Y/n) desperately moved around the snow as he grabbed the handle of Yamato, but once he looked at it, he saw that the handle was mostly burnt off and he saw that the scabbard was definitely out of use. (Y/n) stood up with Yamato in his right hand as he began walking through the snowy forest.

For minutes, hours, days, (Y/n) went through the never ending forest that he had teleported to out of desperation. (Y/n) was both burning and freezing at the same time all through out his journey through the cold forest. He thought it would never end, but that didn't last any longer because he soon came up on a small town with small buildings full of light.

(Y/n) walked through the town, checking what was there while there were many people warily walking by him. He eventually found and inn with a bar in its lobby, so he went inside. He saw all of the people talking to each other while drinking their lives out, but he glance over to the corner of the bar to see a man with black hair sitting down with his head down.

'That man... he's... familiar... dammit... I'm... far too weak...' (Y/n) thought as he silently walked to the man at the corner of the bar.

(Y/n) was getting closer, but he was suddenly bumped by a female waitress, making him lose his balance.

"I'm deeply sorry, sir!" The waitress says.

(Y/n) grabs onto the edge of a table as he weakly tries to stay standing, but fatigue makes him give in, as he falls onto the floor with a loud thump. The bar becomes more silent as everyone looks over, including the man. The man's eyes widen as he stands up to look at (Y/n) before running towards him. The waitress drops whatever she had on her hands and got down to check on (Y/n).

"By the gods! How did you end up like this?" The waitress says.

"Move aside!" The man says while going down to (Y/n)'s view.

(Y/n) looked at the man's face, and he was a bit relieved to see who was in front of him.


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