24* Deep In The Meadow

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"Deep in the meadow, under the willow. A bed of grass, a soft green pillow. Lay down your head and close your eyes and when they open, the sun will rise. Here its safe, here it's warm. Here the daisy's guard, you from every harm, here your dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them true. Here is the place where I love you."  Saint sang the song as his daughter fell asleep. She had been for the past few days having trouble sleeping.

Saint found that singing helped her calm down and fall asleep. At that moment, it was noon and she was finally sleeping.

He moved himself and left the room. He made  his way to the kitchen to get himself something to eat. As he moved to the sink to collect some water, he felt a warm body wrap around him.

"I thought you would be out..."

"I came back early so I could spend some time with you."


Saint turned to meet Perth's face.

"Is she asleep?"

Saint nodded.

Perth noticed something wrong. He pulled them towards the table.

"Is something bothering you Saint?"

"No... Not really."

"Love... I know you. And I know that something is on your mind so tell me what it is."

Saint moved closer to Perth. He loved him and had always felt safe in his arms. But lately he didn't know who to feel.

"Its just... It's just that your not doing anything to make our home feel safe."

"This again?"

"Yes this again. Perth, I want you to lead us."

"I am... From the office. Win has more juice then me. His more motivated then me."

Saint moved back. "And your not?"

"Listen too me... He has nothing to lose. I have you and Pin on the line. I don't want something bad to happen to me and leave you guys without anyone to protect you."

Saint closed his eyes. He didn't want to fight about this so his mind went somewhere else.

"OK... Am sorry for bringing it up... Am just on the edge."

Perth went back to wrap his arms around Saints waist.

"You know I can't get the image of Ron's dead body out of my head?"

Perth only listened.

"I mean, I miss Rose. I really wish this never happened. I feel bad for those kids Perth, they had their futures ahead of them."

Perth suddenly remembered something. "You know, while I was making some notes. I remember making a note for Rain but not for one of the new recruits we got earlier that day..."

Saint frowned. "Well, I only had two recruiters. One male, one female. Fall and Gun."

"The male... His not included in the count. We couldn't find him."

"Are you suggesting something?"

Perth just shrugged.

"There is no way he survived. The whole ordeal was intense. His body probably ended up somewhere on the outskirts."

"But we found Rain's body. His body was mutilated and spread across the ground, what got my attention is that every one who died was a Hybrid..."

"Yea,we kinda got that..."

"Well... Why did Rain die? His a warrior. Pure Beta."

Saint finally understood what Perth was saying. "What do you think happened to him?"

Perth shrugged once again. "It was hard having his body examined due to the immense damage done to it. We couldn't find anything that could give us a clue to who might of done it."

Saint felt discouraged.

"But you could look at it if you want. Am too busy with other things to keep up with it."

Perth suggests not only because he knows Saint will do a good job but to keep him busy and not have him bug him about the Win situation.

"You think I'll be able to get something?"

Perth once again raised his shoulders. "Well we have to wait and see..."


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