10*The Heat

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"What?" Gun looked at the man named Gulf with a confused expression. He didn't understand what he meant by that.

"This is a easy process, all you have to do it stay still...and I'll do the rest."

Gulf went to remove the sheet and expose the naked body beneath it. "Not bad... You'll do good."

Gulf pulled Gun towards him by his ankles. Gun kicked and struggled but then he felt weak.

Gulf decided to put Gun under a chemical influence that would make him weak and life less...

"What... Are.... You.... Doing?" Gun asked in sleepy voice.

"Don't worry... I said I wouldn't hurt you."

Gun's legs were spread across the bed and his back passage was in Gulf's full view...

Gun didn't really know what exactly was happening to his body but he knew something was being done to him.

After what felt like forever his body was covered up and a second voice could be heard.

"His not ready..."

"When will he be?"

Gun turned his head to see Gulf talking to a larger male... The same male that brought him here...

"Am not to sure... You still have to wait for his cycle to begin."

"When will his cycle begin?"

"Am not sure but it shouldn't take too long... Soon." Gulf said, answering the larger males questions.

"How many times will he go into heat this season?"

Gulf packed a bag that Gun hadn't seen before. "Uhm... Maybe three time's..."

"THREE TIMES? Are you kidding me?"

"This is the fastest the process can go Mark... There is nothing I can do."

He walked towards the disappearing door. "I'll tell you when you can begin for the best outcome. Until then you just have to wait..."

"Fine..." Both males left the room, leaving Gun to ponder on the horrible things his going to go through...

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