18*To Torture A Soul

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Gulf walked down the hallway lined with a deep red colour. He had stopped wondering if it was red due to the blood spilled over the years or just its natural look.

He walked as far down, knowing his mate was were the screaming was loudest.

Once he found the bronze door he went in.

Gulf looked around at all the whips and metal rods that were used to torture the souls. When he had first come down here, the scene terrified him but over the years... He got used to it and having the man in charge of the whole act as your mate, didn't help.

"When did you get here?" Mew asked after entering the main room. His chest was covered in a thick red substance that slowly dripped down... Gulf found him... Attractive.

"Not long..." He watched his mate whip down the red stuff with a piece of black cloth.

"How did it go with Mark?"

Then suddenly, Gulf was no longer thinking about what he wanted to do tonight.

"His healed up fast... Pretty much ready for his cycle. I think it will begin in a day or two..."

Gulf turned around to look at the new tools Mew brought in to try out.

Mew looked at him with a frown.

"I asked about Mark. Did you tell  Mark?"


Mew sighed. He knew that Gulf was not suitable for this kind of job. He knew from day one that he would grow attached to the hybrid. He didn't blame him, he maybe thinks he feels sorry for the hybrid, knowing all the things Mark might do to him...

"Why not Gulf?"

Gulf didn't want to answer Mew. He kept his back turned to him.

Mew took one big step forward then turned Gulf around. Gulf lost his breath for a second.

"Why not?"

Gulf hated having to submit to Mew, all the time but he couldn't help it.

"I don't think Mark is going to be careful with the hybrid... His fragile you know..."

Mew rolled his eyes... "What ever Mark does is his business and has nothing to do with you. You did your job now move so he can do his..."

Gulf frowned.


"No buts... Tell Mark he can start preparing for the breeding..."


Gulf was not happy and Mew knew this.

"Okay okay... Maybe you can tell him what to do and what not to do but you do understand that this is Mark and not some low life demon, right?"

Gulf ignored his mate. He knew that Mark wouldn't listen to him so he dropped the idea ... He had been to worried about Gun that he stopped paying attention to his mate.

"I'll just tell him..."
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