9*Below The Ring Of Fire

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He blacked out. He saw absolutely nothing after plunging head first into the ring.

It felt like he was asleep for a few hours when he opened his eyes...

Gun looked around and found he was in a red and black room lying on a soft bed covered in silk sheets. He was definitely confused... How did I?

He deared not to get out of the bed as he noticed he was naked. He pulled the sheets up trying to cover his chest.
Trying to make sense of the situation, he turned his head left and right, looking for a door or window but the room didn't have any.

Only seconds of looking he noticed a door straight ahead from where he was lying. It wasn't there when he looked around the first time.

It opened and in entered a slender creature with red skin and horns emerging out of its head. Gun has seen something like it but this one has no wings.

He watched as it walked in then closed the door behind it, which then disappeared. What the...

The creature walked up to Gun looking at him before deciding to touch him.

"Don't touch me! Get away from me!!"

Finally it realized that Gun was a awake and scared.

"Stop screaming. Am not going to hurt you..."

It must have realized that part of the reason of Gun being so afraid was of the way it looks so it quickly changed its appearance.

Gun widened his eyes afraid that if he closed them, he would miss this strange transformation. The skin lightened in color and his horns disappeared. His eyes also changed  from black all over to the normal human eye structure.

He looked much better, less scary.
"Am not going to hurt you. My name is Gulf and am going to help you prepare for your breeding cycle..."


A Hybrid Sin حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن