13* A Little Flower

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Prim walked down the cold hallway, turning once again into a dark passage. She turned her head left and right every 5 steps she took.

Finally she arrived at her destination. Old Yins study hall. She placed her hand on the old brown door, slowly pushing it open. She had not seen the old man since his Prophecy. She thought that it's time to visit him again.

"Hello? Old Yin... It's me..." Prim slowly popped her head in first,hoping to see the old man.

"Little flower... Come in come in. I haven't seen you in some time. What brings you hear?" Old Yin who was sitting not far from a book shelf, heard the familiar voice of his precious flower.

"Oh... I wanted to visit you and I heard from young Yin that your a bit lonly so I came to keep you company." Prim made her way to his seating position, taking slow but wide steps.

"Yin? Dose he even care about me? He has never come to see me since I stopped teaching you guys... Must think I embarrass him... An old man that can't do anything anymore..."

"Old Yin, don't say that. He loves you very much."


Prim slowly let her eyes lay on the empty seats in the hall before opening her mouth.
"Old Yin. Can I ask you something?"

"What would it be young girl?"

"Do you think your Prophecy will come true?"


"Old Yin...?"

"A Prophecy is a Prophecy. What I see happens. No matter what."

"But I heard that you stopped it, that you and Miss Lee did something to prevent it from coming true..." Prim had a frown in between her eyes as she spoke to the old man.

"We did what we could..." He said in a low voice.

Prim shook her head slowly, she was hoping to hear something else.

"All we can do now is hope and pray.."

"Pray? You don't understand little flower. What I saw... There was no hope only a thick layer of evil that coated itself everywhere, not allowing for any thing  good to survive... I saw pure evil child. The world will not be able to come back from that."

"...... "


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