23* In Dark Times The Sun Will Shine

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"Let me have a look at her." Summer walked passed Ozzie to the little girl.

"Can you do me a favor while I check her?"

Ozzie nodded.

"I left Plan in a dangerously vital state. Please go check up on him."

"Sure but don't you think that we should bring Mean in?"

Summer went to hold the little girl. "You think that's a good idea?"

"If not, he might be angry when he finds out we delayed his meeting with his pups..."

Summer understand. "Fine, I'll go get him once I've given the babies a quick check up."

After Ozzie was satisfied with Summers response he went to check up on Plan.

He found that Plan had fallen asleep. It made sense after everything he went through.

Meanwhile Summer completed her check ups on the two and went on her way to find their father.

Walking out of the nursing room she walked around asking some of the others if they have seen Mean.

"Am sorry Doctor. S, his not here."

"What do you mean? Where is he?"

"He left. Went to go look for his sister."

"Mel? Where did she go?"

"Well, I over heard Mel speak and she was talking about attacking the witches so I think she went after them. That's likely where Mean would go as well."

Summer nodded her head. "Thanks for telling me this."

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"Let me see them..."

Ozzie bent over to get closer to Plan. Because he was so weak, it was hard for him to hear a word that was spoken by Plan.


"I said... Let me see my babies."

"Alright but I can't bring both... The other is in an incubator but don't worry she'll be just fine."

Plan seemed to hold back tears.

"I'll bring the boy."

Ozzie stepped back then returned with a small child wrapped up in a bright yellow blanket. "Here he is... Say hello little one... This is your daddy."

Plans face lit up with joy. "Aww... His so beautiful..."

"Have you thought about the names?"

Plan looked up. It was only then when he realized that Mean was not with him.

"Where's Mean? Why is he not here?"

Ozzie began to panic. "Summer went looking for him..."

"Why was he not here in the first place?"

Plan whispered to himself.

"You should rest Plan..."

"Am fine... And I think I know what to name him..."

"Oh? What will it be?"

Plan looked down to his new born... "Sun... Am naming him Sun."

Hope you enjoyed and thanks to @shbfsezo for providing the name.

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