1*Becoming A Hybrid

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I layed on the floor after he bite me. It was painful but slowly the pain disappeared. I opened my eyes to find I was the only one in the room.

I stood up, feeling weak, hungry. I saw a door not far from were I was lying down. I walk slowly towards it and as I do so I began to smell something. Something good, tasty.

When I reached out to open the door, it was quickly opened by someone from the other side. "Oh... Your awake?"

He stepped down with a grin. "We didn't think you would servie."

He placed a hand on my back then pulled me out of the room through the door.

It was suddenly too bright. I had to close my eyes. I couldn't see very well, even after a few seconds, my eyes still needed to adjust to the increase of light.

Even though I couldn't see very well, I could still smell and that smell that cought my attention was back. Stronger.

The man that pulled out of the room roughly sat me down on a wooden chair, near a table. "You must be hungry... Here, have a go"

I looked down to what was in front of me... Meat, meat and more meat...

There was so much of it and I couldn't control my hunger anymore, so I went on to dig in...

After some time, I began to calm down and I noticed people were sitting around the table. They were the same people that were in the dark room with me just a moment ago. They all had eaten and seemed to have calmed down. Just like me. As I was analyzing them I hear a deep voice boom into the room.

"Did they all make it?"

"Yes sir... They all seem to be strong."

I turned my head and was meet with two blue green eyes that sat on a massive body. He walked around looking at us, looking at me...

"How many warriors and how many breeders..."

He asked then the man that brought me here spoke. "These two are breeders... The rest are beta."

The massive man nodded his head. "Okay... Have you explained to them yet?"

"No sir, we waiting for Saint to come down and take the breeders away..."

"That's good... Am happy with this seasons recruitment. Keep it up Perth"

The man left and soon after a smaller male with a  yellow jacket that seemed to big for him walked in.

"Am so sorry I came late, I was trying to calm Pin down."

The man referred to as Perth commented. "Why was  Rose not helping you? She is supposed to help you with Pin..."

"I know but she couldn't get her to fall asleep so I told her to prepare the breeding room while I took care of Pin... I think she just missed her father..." Saint said, he had a warm smile on his face while he looked at Perth,like they were very familiar with each other.

"Don't remind me, I haven't seen her since yesterday morning, am too busy and..."

Perth was stopped by a kiss to his lips.
" It's fine, I know your working hard. I told her that you love her before she went to sleep... Now let's get back to work so we can spend more time with our daughter?"

Perth smiled before pointing to me and a female that sat next to me.

"Those two... Your breeders."

Saint nodded while showing a smile. "Good, both genders. That's the first.
Come here you two. Come with me."

I looked at Perth who nodded an approval for us to follow Saint.

The female stood up first then I followed. We walked out of the room we were in and began walking down a large hallway.

Not long after we left, Saint spoke to us.
"Silly me, I didn't ask you guys. What's your names?"

I didn't answer so the female did. "My name is Fall..."

Saint nodded then looked to me. "And you?"

"Oh... Gun... My name is Gun."

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