27* Something

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Been a while...

I apologize for this unexplained hold. Am not officially back but I wanted to update some of the stories that I haven't touched in a long time. Hope your all doing well and are still interested in the store. Hope you enjoy reading...


"Wake up child..." Miss Lee whispered over Prim. She had been unconscious for a while since she had gone looking for young Yin with an idea in mind about his power. Miss Lee was trying her best to wake the children up from their sleepy state.

It was hard to do as her mind was elsewhere. She kept thinking about the impending danger that loomed at the perimeter of their home. If they were to be attacked what would be her next move? It would be happening because of their actions anyway. They should have thought of a counterattack for when the dragons decided to take revenge for their fallen.... just like what was happening at the moment.  

"She's waking up..." A voice called out and informed Miss Lee. She moved from where Young Yin was laying and attended to Prim. 

"SHE'S HERE!" Prim woke up screaming these words. Miss Lee had to take a step back just so she wasn't in the fire zone. "What are you saying, child?"

Prim looked around her as she still felt the anger from the young dragon. "She's here to take revenge... she's right outside!" 

"Prim... how do you know?"

"They left..." Yin's voice filled the ears in the room. He was unlike Prim, calm. He similarly woke up from a very vivid dream about dragons. 

"Yin... You're awake. Does your head hurt?" Miss Lee asked a few questions curious about the child's health. 

"Am fine ma'am..."

Prim stood up from where she was sitting and faced Yin. "How do you know what am talking about?"

Yin still seated faced the girl. "I just saw it... in my dream. A much larger one made them retreat."

Miss Lee watched the two amazed by what was happening. Both children had been unconscious when the dragons were spotted so how do they know this...

"But I heard her... She said she would take revenge for their fallen. I saw her... She was right there."

"And am telling you that they left. I didn't understand at first but after I heard what you said I realized that I saw the after..."

Prim sat confused about what was happening. As Miss Lee tried finding words to cover the issue at hand, a young boy ran into the room with a worried face. 

"It's Old Yin... He's been found in his classroom unconscious on the floor." 

"What?!" Prim turned to the messenger in disbelief. 


Hope you enjoyed 

I'll be updating tomorrow as well so see you then...

Your author - teekay^^

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