2*Hybrid Breeders

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I walked into a room. The room looked like a nursery. Saint walked up to a male that was laying on a small bed in a corner.

"Ron? Are you feeling OK? I want to show the new breeders your body..."

I watched and listened to what Saint was saying. It didn't make to much sense. The male named Ron stood up and a large belly that protruded from his body could be seen.

"Okay, This is Ron. He was recruited last season and his bearing for the first time this season, with twins."

Saint went to rub over Ron's belly. "Usually, we don't do this as an introduction but we had to make plans." Saint helped Ron sit down before talking to us again.

"You guys are now breeders. You were bitten by omega recruiters who have true omega blood."

I looked at him like he was crazy.

"You don't remember most of this and you shouldn't. This is your new life, you'll stay in here for a couple of days before you are integrated into the breeding clan."

I still stand, confused,not knowing how to feel about this. The female named Fall had the same thoughts as me.
"What do you mean we won't remember what happened before we woke up in that room? Why can't I remember?"

Saint packed same stuff that sat on beds. "It's just how it is... I can't change that and you can't either... Now you will sleep in these beds until next week I think, maybe by then the new cabin will be ready to take you two in."

When Saint finished talking Perth came running in the room with a worried expression on his face. Saint took note of this as well.

"What? What is it?" Saint asked Perth who quickly wrapped his arms around Saint in an embrace.

"Something came up... We have to go out and I don't know when I'll come back..."

Saint seemed terrified by what Perth told him. "Your leaving? What happened?"

Perth signed before talking again. "There has been a warning call sent to us about blood suckers being to close to our border..."

I frown, what does he mean by blood suckers?

"Blood suckers? Why would they be in our territory? Are they here to fight? Are you fighting a war??" Saint raised his voice. I still stand at the back confused and almost as if Perth was going to explain someone called his name from the door. It seemed urgent.

After Perth leaves the room turns silent.
" Umm... You two, stay in this room. Please, I'll be back..." I watched as Saint spoke a few words then left as well.

Am tired so I sit down on my temperery bed. And as I do so, I hear my thoughts aloud once again but not spoken by me.

"What do you think they meant by, blood suckers?" Fall asks, not me but Ron.

Ron rolls his head with an expression almost like he was ready to release some gas...


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