3*The Prophecy

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Some where else...

The dark rooms of the tall buildings were quiet. It seemed as if  all the residents went rushing to their rooms hoping to escape the deadly silence of the odd evening.

On a chair near the back of the hall sat an old man with amazing abilities but because of old age he was only able to do so much. He rocked his chair back and fourth feeling like today was very special. "Old Yin, how are you feeling today?" A young student of the old man asked. She loved checking up on him and caring for the old man even after he couldn't teach her as much as he used to.

"Am fine little flower... Just taking a rest..." Her name was Prim which is a rare flower that warlocks treasure. It has powerful energy that is mostly used for healing. Yin loved calling her little flower...

Prim smiled, she loved the nickname he gave her. "Little flower, tell me this. Why is the building so quiet today?"
Prim frowned. She had noticed the dead silent halls as she walked to Old Yin. She had no idea where her fellow witches and wizards were.

"Am not to sure Old Yin..."

The old man nodded his head then layed his head back on the chair.

A few minutes of resting. Prim noticed that the old man had stopped rocking his chair. She got up from her position on the floor and walked up to the man.
She noticed that his mouth was wide open. "Old Yin?" She asked but he did not answer.

When she came up close in front of the man, she was horrified by what she saw. Prim let out a loud scream before running to look for a mentor to assist.

She run like hell, going around corners and corners until he found her leading mentor walking out of a student study hall. "Ma'am! Ma'am! Help!! Please help me!!"

The mentor turned her head to see a young girl that she had never taught  before with a terrified face, like she had seen a ghost...

"What? What happened?" She asked Prim.

Prim began to cry as she remembered the face of the old man. The mentor was getting worried and she feared the young girl would not be able to tell her what she needed to, she was obviously in shock.

The mentor placed her hand on Prims forehead and just like that, she was able to see everything that this girl saw in the last half an hour...

"Oh my god..." Was all the mentor managed to say before transporting her self and Prim to the scene...

The mentor stood in front of Old Yin who looked dead but she knew better, much more then the young girl who obviously thought he had died.

She closed her eyes trying to connect to her fellow superiors at her level who had seen something similar.

"I need you all to come here, Something has happened..."

In seconds males and females began to pop out of nowhere, all surrounding the Old man. "Is he prophesying?"
One of the males that surrounded Old Yin asked and a female answered him "Yes but he had never had an episode like this... Why are his eyes black?"

Prim stood far from the elders as she didn't understand what was happening.

"This doesn't look like it will be anything good..."

The mentor that had first seen the scene turned around to find the young witch. "Young girl? How long do you think he was in this state?"

Prim looked up at the mentor before realizing who she was. She was a teacher that taught spells to do with hypnosis, Miss Lee...

Prim thought about her question for a few seconds before answering. "I think 5 minutes now.."

The teacher did not seem happy with her answer. "5 minutes? That's the longest he had blacked out."

All the faces pulled an expression of worrie as they looked down to the motion less Old man...
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

The sky was black and red clouds flout slowly releasing a red thick liquid that stained anything it touched. Fire burning everywhere and ash covering every inch of the floor.

No life in sight... Only a little girl. Flouting above the ground, she had no shadow. As Old Yin got closer to her he noticed that she had horns emerging from her pitch black hair.

Old Yin stepped closer and heard a slow creepy laugh come from the young girl...

She turned around to reveal her black eyes and a snake like  tongue. Her smile made its way from ear to ear, revealing the most disturbing facial feature and in a blink of an eye she was flying at high speed towards Old Yin...
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

"The End of the world is here! We are all going to die!!" Miss Lee and all the other superiors took a few steps back as Old Yin woke up from a 'dream'.

They were shocked by what he said. "What do you mean Old Yin?" Miss Lee asked the Old man. "I saw it..."
They all began to hold their breath.
"You saw what?"

Old Yin whipped away some sweat that managed to form before speaking. "I saw the end of the world, the apocalypse..."

Miss Lee and the superiors stood clear of the crazy looking man but they knew that what ever he was saying was 100% true and will happen no matter what...

"I saw the devil..."

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