21* The Gift

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Prim stood outside an ongoing classroom. It was a lesson on spells and potions. It was coming to an end soon.

When she heard the rapid movement from inside, she knew the class was dismissed.
She waited at the door until she saw the person she was waiting for exit the room.

"Yin! Young Yin!" Prim called out to the tall slender male who was named after his father.

Yin stopped walking. He turned around and found Prim. "Rose? What is it you want?"

Young Yin wasn't a very nice person.

"I need to speak with you." Prim didn't take no as an answer.

"About what?" Yin looked her up and down.
"Don't think because you are familiar with my father, you can talk to me the same way..."

Prim rolled her eyes. "It's important."

"What is it Rose?" He preferred calling her by  her surname.

"It's about... It's about your father's gift."

Young Yin frowned. "What are you talking about? My father has no gift."

"Am talking about his ability to tell the future. That gift."

"Thats no gift... It's only a curse."

"Well... I think otherwise."

"Are you here just to tell me my father has a gift?"

"No. Am here to ask you about what you know of it."

Yin frowned. "I know nothing of it and I don't want to know anything about it. Now I'll be leaving..."


"What an annoying girl you are! Let go of my shirt."

"Not until you talk to me."

"I did! And I gave you the answer. Now leave me alone!"

"Yin! Did you know that his getting weaker and weaker by the day?"

Yin roughly pulled himself out of Prims hold. "Yea. That man has been on the edge for a long time. Am surprised his still alive."

Prim gave him a disapproving glear.

"What? His my father. I can say and feel anyway I want towards him."

"One day, when I was talking to him..."

"What is this? I don't want to hear your stories!"

"Just listen!!"

Yin shut up and just looked at the short girl.

"One day, when I was talking to him. He brought up a topic about his gift. He told me where he might of got it and where it might be going when he dies."

"I thought he would take it with him to the grave." Yin crossed his arms over his chest.

"Well, that's not what's going to happen. I mean, that's not what he thinks will happen."

"So what does he think will happen?"

"He thinks one of us will get it."

"Excuse me?"

"Just listen to me."

Yin let a bitter laugh out. "I knew you were as crazy as that old man."


Yin put his hand up to shut Prim from saying anything else.

"No... Am tired of listening to your crazy stories. I want nothing to do with my father and I want nothing to do with you."

Yin turned to leave and Prim let a whisper out.  "Please... Don't –" but before she could finish her beg, she went falling to the ground and not long after so did Yin.



Am so sorry or the long wait. I was writing my exams and they just ended yesterday and now I have enough time to write for you guys.

I just want to inform you guys about the new books to be published.

The first book
~Unexpected love.
Which was released on the 10th of December.

Am a co-author in this book and if you want to read it then you can find it on the authors profile. @Natalieloveskpop07

She is the lovely author who reached out to me, asking me to be an editor and I worked with her  to create this book.

The second book
~To fix a broken heart (KlaNo) .
Which will be released on the 20th of December.

And the third book
~Trapped (MarkGun MeanPlan). To be released on the 25th of December.

Anyway, Please check them out, vote and comment. I would love to hear from you guys.

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